Thursday, March 9, 2017

Learn How to Make a Literal Bed of Grass in Your Backyard

Learn How to Make a Literal Bed of Grass in Your Backyard {Video tutorial}
If you are lucky, you live in a home with a beautiful grassy backyard and plenty of space for picnics and relaxation. But a lot of people aren't so fortunate. Maybe all you have is a fenced-in concrete lot. That was what we used to have at our old house!

Back then I so wish I had known about this idea! This video teaches you how you can build a literal "bed of grass" in a concrete lot:

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The finished result looks so comfortable, and it really helps to spruce up an otherwise barren spot! I actually think this would be pretty cool to build in any backyard, even one with a proper lawn. What a cool project—I may give this one a try even though I have a grassy yard now!

Tutorial by BHG Youtube.

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