Friday, March 24, 2017

40 Mouthwatering Strawberry Recipes You Have GOT To Try

Strawberry Jello Cake

Strawberry Jello Cake
This is exactly what I look for in a summer strawberry dessert recipe! As its chef Vera says, "Strawberry Jello Cake is very light, fluffy, not too sweet and it's so easy to assemble." Vanilla sponge cake is layered with cheesecake filling and then topped with strawberry jello and fresh strawberries. Basically it looks like strawberry shortcake for jello lovers. I cannot wait to try this one!

Instructions and Source: omgchocolatedesserts

Frozen Strawberry Lemonade

Frozen Strawberry Lemonade
How could I forget to list lemonade along with my other summer food favorites? Well, this recipe looks like the perfect refreshing summer pairing of lemonade and strawberries—and it's frozen! As its creator Elena mentions, you could easily transform this into a cocktail by adding just a dash of rum, vodka, tequila, or wine.

Instructions and Source: aseasyasapplepie

Fruit Pizza with Strawberries

Fruit Pizza with Strawberries
If you are looking for a refreshing, light, and easy dessert, here is a recipe for one I have actually tried. It is a simple fruit "pizza" with strawberries, kiwis, and blueberries in a sugary glaze. I like this dessert because it is relatively flat and not overwhelming if you are already full from eating your dinner. And again, it is super quick and easy to make!

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

Strawberry Dole Whip

Strawberry Dole Whip
If you've been to Disneyland (or another Disney property), you may have tried pineapple Dole Whip. This is the same thing, only it is a strawberry version. You only need a few simple ingredients to make it—and it looks totally amazing!

Instructions and Source: chocolatecoveredkatie

Skillet Strawberry S'mores

Skillet Strawberry S'mores
Here are two summer foods I never would have thought of putting together—but the recipe looks incredible! Skip the campfire and just use a basic skillet instead; use s'more fixings along with fresh strawberries, and you end up with classic gooey goodness with a refreshing twist.

Instructions and Source: beginwithinnutrition

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
Most recipes that use strawberries use them as an ingredient in something else … but with this recipe, you are stuffing the goodness inside the strawberries themselves! These look totally gourmet—and with the red, white, and blue, perfect for a Fourth of July party!

Instructions and Source: dessertnowdinnerlater

Strawberry Mousse

Strawberry Mousse
The delicious light creamy texture of mousse … I can't think of the last time I've had a chance to indulge in it. I am looking forward to making this strawberry mousse recipe this year as soon as I get a chance. I've never actually had strawberry mousse, and it looks deliciously amazing!

Instructions and Source: simplystacie

Flag Cupcakes

Flag Cupcakes
Here is another creative recipe for the Fourth of July. These flag cupcakes use similar ingredients to the recipe above—once again you have delicious blueberries, cream, and strawberries, but this time you add in a cupcake. These are no less artfully designed though—I love the way she has the strawberries standing up in the cream.

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

"Starbucks" Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino

One of the best things about Starbucks is their seasonal beverages. If you enjoy their Strawberries & Cream Frappuccino and wish that you could make your own at home (and save $4), then you have just found the recipe of your dreams. This is fast and easy and tastes remarkably like the real thing!

Instructions and Source: frugalcouponliving

Layered Jello Cups

Layered Jello Cups
These layered jello cups were invented as a Valentine's Day treat, but they would be perfect to serve at summer parties. I have to say, not only do they look scrumptious, but they are absolutely beautiful just from a visual perspective. All those gorgeous layers!

Instructions and Source: thefirstyearblog

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries
Previously I shared a recipe for stuffed strawberries which I thought looked just incredible, and now I have another to show you. These strawberries are stuffed with softened cream cheese mixed with powdered sugar, and topped with graham cracker crumbs. My mouth is watering just looking at them!

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

Strawberry Bouquet

Strawberry Bouquet
If you want to really blow the minds of all your guests at your next summer party, then learn how to make a "bouquet" of strawberries. Each of them has been cut to look remarkably like a flower, complete with petals. I am absolutely in awe here—what a stunning (and edible) project to decorate a table!

Instructions and Source: ashandcrafts

Patriotic Strawberry Trifle

Patriotic Strawberry Trifle
I've never actually eaten a trifle before—so I didn't know what one was, perhaps because trifles are British. A trifle like this one consists of sponge cake and fruit along with some combination of jelly, custard and cream. Basically, this is another alternative way to make something resembling strawberry shortcake—and as you can see, with the blueberries it is patriotic for the Fourth of July.

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

Strawberry Puffcakes

Strawberry Puffcakes
This recipe was inspired by taking the idea of chocolate-dipped strawberries … and trying to interpret it as a cupcake—quite successfully I might add. These are chocolate cupcakes with a dollop of strawberry frosting. Coating the frosting is a topping of melted and cooled chocolate chips—the texture comes out a bit like a dip cone from Dairy Queen. These look beautiful and scrumptious!

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

Strawberry Sauce

Strawberry Sauce
When you need strawberry sauce, do you head out to the store to buy it, only to lament you got something loaded with corn syrup and other nastiness? This recipe will teach you how to make fresh strawberry sauce yourself with real strawberries and cane sugar. You can use this sauce as an ingredient in desserts, or you can spread it on toast and waffles. This is easily one of the most versatile recipes for summer!

Instructions and Source: wickedgoodkitchen

Easy Strawberry Pie

Easy Strawberry Pie
This strawberry pie was inspired by the pie served at Shoney's restaurant. It looks like a light, refreshing, sweet and delicious recipe which is perfect for a hot summer day. Usually making pie is something that intimidates me, but this recipe makes it look very approachable, so I will be giving it a go!

Instructions and Source: cincyshopper

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes
These cupcakes look delicious—they have a crust made of graham cracker along with cream cheese frosting. They look relatively simple, but once again, light, refreshing and perfect for summer!

Instructions and Source: the-girl-who-ate-everything

Homemade Strawberry Roll-Ups

Homemade Strawberry Roll-Ups
Looking at this recipe, I am zooming back to my own childhood in the 90s when fruit roll-ups were all the rage and you couldn't walk two feet without running into them. Personally, I was never a huge fan of fruit roll-ups; I liked the idea of them, but not the artificial flavors. Well, now I can make fruit roll-ups at home myself using real strawberries. How awesome is that?

Instructions and Source: shutterbean

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries Stuffed with Mascarpone Cheese

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries Stuffed with Mascarpone Cheese
You knew there was going to be a recipe in here for chocolate-dipped strawberries, right? I mean, how could I skip that? These aren't your standard chocolate-dipped strawberries, though—they are stuffed with a mild Italian cheese called Mascarpone! Once again, here is a recipe which looks absolutely beautiful—I can't imagine how great it tastes!

Instructions and Source: cookingclassy

Chocolate Strawberry Parfait

Chocolate Strawberry Parfait
Here is a strawberry dessert which looks just spectacular! All those beautiful layers of pound cake and strawberries and chocolate cream! At first I was daunted by the idea of making a parfait, but having read the instructions I would say this is probably much easier than the end result makes it appear.

Instructions and Source: atreatsaffair

Strawberry Salsa

Strawberry Salsa
All I've featured in this list so far is dessert … but how about a savory strawberry recipe for summer? This is a refreshing fruity salsa with strawberries, onions, jalapeno peppers, cilantro and lime juice. Check it out—I think it looks delicious!

Instructions and Source: gimmesomeoven

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