Friday, March 31, 2017

These 24 Halloween Pet Costumes may Just be Better than Your Own!

Those of us who have pets treat them like the lovable and delightful family members that they are, so if you're batty for Halloween, then it stands to reason that you're absolutely beaming at the idea of dressing up your little fur child, too. So if you're looking for some inspiration for some DIY costume projects, I've got everything right here!


If you have a Brussels griffon dog (or similar a looking one, like a Maltese or Yorkshire terrier) and you haven't yet dressed them up as an ewok, then I'm sorry to say that you, sir, are failing at life. George Lucas actually created these cute little critters based on his very own Brussels griffon, so the writing's on the wall!

Available on  – Etsy: Hood/Fur Dog Halloween Costume

Hot Dog

Hot Dog
It's an oldie but a goodie! How can anyone resist the cuteness of an actual hot dog dog? And if you actually have a Dachshund (wiener dog) then I doubt you'll be able to resist the temptation that's practically slapping you in the face. I even found a free pattern if you want to crochet the outfit.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Flickr:Doxieone and FaveCrafts


If I were this dog's aunt I'd pinch those little cheeks till they turn blue! This little ballerina puppy is so cute it almost hurts. She may not be able to do a plie, but honestly, who even cares when she wears such darling little shoes?

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:3bulldogges

Cat Horse

Cat Horse
Have a jockey but no horse? That's ok, just use your beloved kitty instead! And if you're the crazy cat lady in your neighborhood, get a few more jockeys and your Halloween night could just turn into a betting, racing event.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:klowster

Starbucks Coffee

Starbucks Coffee
Can't get though a fall day without your Starbucks pumpkin spice latte? Well how about a pugkin spice latte instead? The wordplay alone had me hook, line and sinker, but that unimpressed look on the pup's face really brought this one home for me.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Twitter:singalittleflat

Double Doggy

Double Doggy
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you… a dog dressed as two dogs carrying a present. I have nothing more to say. *Drops the mic*

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Imgur and DailyTimewaster

Chia Pet

Chia Pet
The '80s phenomenon that was the Chia Pet hasn't quite run its course just yet – they've even released a SpongeBob and Barack Obama version, for crying out loud! Turn your lovely (and hopefully, tolerant) little pup into a real life, walking, barking Chia Pet with this clever tutorial.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – IFoundThePlace

Vampire Bat Cat

Vampire Bat Cat
I saw this too-cute-for-words bat cat quite a while ago, and I know I annoyed the hell out of my friends because I made sure that absolutely everyone close to me got to witness this masterpiece. I can hardly contain my excitement at being able to treat even more eyes to this adorable kitty!

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Imgur:bradtgrace


What's scarier than an actual spider in your house? Your usually cute and cuddly pooch dressed as a gigantic spider like something out of a horror movie. Let's hope none of my friends see this and get any ideas… Yikes.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Facebook:ChicaTheDogSpider and Flickr:istolethetv


We all see our pets as cute and cuddly creatures, but what if they were ferocious dinosaurs with spikes, sharp claws and massive killer teeth? Can you picture it? No? Me neither. Because our pets are snuggly, adorable human-lovers. But hey, if you want to bring out dogzilla, catasaurus, or even tortoiseaurus for just one night, this is how to do it.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – LifeAtCloverHill, Flickr:SummerBlossomElf and Imgur:tkeller85

Jedi Knight

Jedi Knight
If you think about it, cats are as stealthy as Jedi knights, although, if given the chance, I don't doubt for a second that they'd turn to the dark side to become Sith lords. But for now, I'm happy to continue on believing that my kitty loves me and only uses her powers for good.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Twitter:ndhoule

Cone Heads

Cone Heads
Is your poor pet in the process of healing from an injury that requires him to wear that embarrassing cone? Well, perhaps a clever costume may make him feel better! Ok, probably not, but sometimes, when an opportunity comes a knockin', you just have to open up. Besides, the martini dog and kitty-staches look freaking adorable! (Ok, the kitties look like they're plotting revenge murder… but it's sooo worth it.)

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Mlkshk:tonyb, Kataydee and Imgur:vivalaeddie

Kermit and Miss Piggy

Kermit and Miss Piggy
Have you heard the news? Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy have officially called it quits! Yes, this was actually in the news. Call me sentimental, but I'd love to see them together just one last time, so if you have a pet piggy, you know what to do.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:ponyandpals

Skeleton Cat

Skeleton Cat
There's no way that my cat would sit still for long enough and actually allow me to do this to her, but if your feline is more tolerant of the humans than mine is, then paint away! Just make sure that you use a non-toxic, pet-safe product, and you can do this to practically any animal… even a horsie.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Imgur:HecklerandK0 and Facebook:KnotJustRope


Can you remember the first time that you cried in a movie? I'll never forget how I bawled my eyes out when Mufasa died in The Lion King. But I prefer to stick to the happy memories of the Disney classic, and if you do too, consider turning your pup into the great Simba.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Flickr:istolethetv and PuppyInTraining

Rat Bunny

Rat Bunny
Some people get weirdly freaked out by pet rats, so if you have squeamish friends coming over for a Halloween party, you can soften the blow by disguising your rat as a cute little bunny! Adorable? Absolutely. Believable? Hmm… not so much.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:zombiegoldfish28

Pooh Puppy

Pooh Puppy
Too. Much. Cuteness. Must. Resist. Urge. To…. Awwwww! I feel like my life is somehow better after having seen this. If you want to ensure an authentic-looking costume, try this on any golden-brown doggy and parade him around as proudly as you can.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Puppy-Palooza

Guinea Pig Royalty

Guinea Pig Royalty
Just look at this adorable little thing! Every pet deserved to be treated like royalty, so why not go all the way and turn your little furball into king or queen of the guinea pigs? The mini cape and crown shouldn't be too much trouble to make for his or her rodent—I mean, royal—highness.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – CityRag

Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty
A cat dressed as Hello Kitty? I'm in! The actual outfit is for sale at a rather frighteningly high price, so put your DIY skills to the test and make your own version. And for the love of pooches, please don't humiliate your dog by turning him into a cat…

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Refinery29

Minnie Hedgehog

Minnie Hedgehog
No pet is too small for Halloween, right? Even this little hedgehog wants to get in on the costume fun, and who are we to deny a hedgehog's basic Halloween right to dress up? I'm not quite sure what it is, but this little critter dressed as Minnie Mouse just melts my heart.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:remi_the_hedgehog and Instagram:remi_the_hedgehog

Donald Trumpcat

Donald Trumpcat
Whether you love him or hate him, it seems we just can't escape The Don these days. And if you've scrolled through Instagram in the past couple of months, you may have noticed the hilarious trend of 'trumping' your cat. Here's what to do: brush your feline, take the hair, bundle it up like a toupee, and rest the kitty come-over atop your unsuspecting cat' head.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:trumpyourcat and Instagram:jlr2483

Fluffy the Three-Headed Dog

Fluffy the Three-Headed Dog
Any Harry Potter fans out there? Who am I kidding? Everyone is a Harry Potter fan. Well, let me take you back to The Philosopher's Stone where we first met Fluffy, the ferocious three-headed dog. Your real-life version may not be quite as fierce, though, but that's definitely a good thing.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – GearFuse and DeviantArt:Ariana

Sherlock Holmes the Rabbit

Sherlock Holmes the Rabbit
Has your pet rabbit ever sold a crime? Does he exhibit astute skills in the art of logical reasoning? No? I didn't think so. But perhaps for one night, you can at least make him look as good as Sherlock Holmes, even if he doesn't possess any of his other defining characteristics.

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – Instagram:mumitan


Not even the snakes are exempt from Halloween costumes! A slithering reptile is most certainly not my idea of a cuddly pet, but who am I to judge? I wouldn't recommend trying a full outfit, but a sssailor hat could do just fine. And a teeny tiny top hat makes him so much less menacing, don't you think?

DIY Instructions/Inspiration/Project Credit  – NastyJungle and Imgur:hannahftw

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