Thursday, March 30, 2017

How to Give Bratz Dolls a Complete Makeover

Bratz doll makeover
Bratz dolls are great, but they really do wear a lot of makeup. If your little girl would rather play with a doll that better resembles "normal" people, you know those of us who don't wear enough makeup to keep Revlon in business every day, then there is a trick to removing it.

Sonia Singh found a neat DIY trick that lets you remove all that Bratz makeup, and turn your daughter's dolls into just regular dolls. I love hacks that show you different ways that you can use regular household items. Like beneficial uses for clear nail polish or different things that you can do with peroxide. Well, this is another one that uses nail polish remover and in a way that I'll bet you never imagined!

She uses nail polish remover and paint, and the results are stunning! I found this little gem and just had to share. I mean, think of the dolls that you could literally give new life to! Watch the video, which shows you step-by-step how to remove Bratz makeup and transform your doll in minutes.

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