Tuesday, March 28, 2017

8 Mind-Blowing Duct Tape Life-hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

8 Mind-Blowing Duct Tape Life-hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier.
I still remember in high school when I found out that there was a contest to win a scholarship if you made your prom dress out of duct tape. From that moment on, I was hooked on the stuff! Duct tape comes in every color of the rainbow and lots of fun patterns, and it is the perfect fix when you are in a pinch!

But I never would have come up with any of the cool ideas featured in this video on my own:

Watch this video and you'll learn all kinds of awesome duct tape hacks like:

  • How you can make gorgeous roses entirely out of duct tape which will last forever
  • How you can make your own lint roller
  • How you can fold shirts perfectly flat and do it awesomely fast using nothing more than a cardboard box and a few pieces of tape (seriously, if you are in retail, this trick will make you employee of the year).

Check it out, and enjoy! Check out our lifehack category to learn more simple tricks that simplify life big time! Video by Householdhacker.

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