Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to Make These Colorful and Personalized Gel Ice Packs for Kids

How to Make These Colorful and Personalized Gel Ice Packs for Kids {Video}

What do you do when your child comes home with an ouchie? I usually make up an ice pack and beg my kid to use it—which is invariably followed with about one minute of compliance followed by dismissal or refusal. "But it's too COLD!" I can fully understand that using ice on a wound is no fun at all—but it is important to keep that swelling down. Unfortunately, no amount of reasoning is going to convince a child to keep that ice pack on when you aren't looking.

I just found a video which presents a pretty novel solution:

Basically, instead of making a standard ice pack, you make an ice pack using colorful gel. You then put it inside a personalized bag and decorate it with your child's name and maybe some illustrations. This makes it more fun for your child to use. You can do this for your child yourself, or you can let your child decorate his or her own ice pack. You can even put the gel inside a cute little animal-shaped pack instead (the video showcases some of these packs—watch it and you will see what I am talking about). What child doesn't want to cuddle with an animal friend after getting into a scrape?

I think this is also a great idea for ice packs for school lunches! You could even decorate new bags every week so that your child has a fun surprise at the cafeteria each day!

Video by Whatsupmoms.

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