Thursday, March 23, 2017

15 Resourceful Ways to Re-Purpose Pringles Cans {Trash to Treasure}

15 Resourceful Ways to Re-Purpose Pringles Cans {Trash to Treasure} - Video
I just love Pringles! I can go through a can of Pringles in less time than I care to admit. Pringles cans are of course as iconic as the chips themselves. I never would have guessed though that they are actually useful. I always just tossed them out when I was done without a second thought. Now I am going to have to start saving them.

I love learning about food hacks. But I haven't written very much about food container hacks that you can use to solve everyday life problems.

I've discovered a video that has taught me so many amazing and unique things you can do with them.

These are all awesome hacks to make your everyday life easier using Pringles containers. Pringles containers are so iconic and unique, and yet I never would have thought to use them for anything! Now I'm going to start stockpiling them so I can try out some of these ideas.

The first one with the plastic bag dispenser is pretty brilliant; I love what he did with the lid. I bet you could use this same basic idea for some other related uses too. I also really like the one that starts around 3:45, where you learn how to make a cool lantern for a small candle. This would look really awesome on a party table, very quirky! It looks so easy to make! You could even make a few of these and then give them out to your guests as party favors afterwards. I think a lot of people would really dig these.

This is a super cool video and I wish I had discovered it ages ago. I hope that you have as much fun with these hacks as I know I will. Now it's time for me to head to the grocery store to buy some Pringles (Amazon link)!

Video by Venlee lifehack Youtuber.

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