Friday, March 24, 2017

These 20 Mom Hacks Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

These 20 Mom Hacks Will Make Your Life So Much Easier {Video}
Being a stay-at-home mom is the greatest job in the world, but I'm not going to lie … it is pretty difficult some days! That is definitely one aspect of being a mother I did not expect. I now have a renewed appreciation for all the stuff my own mom did for me growing up. When I get to feeling overwhelmed, I am always looking for ways that I can make life easier.

Here is a really awesome video of mom hacks that I have just discovered!

Some of the cool things you'll learn:

  • How to make a totally safe cleaning spray that your child can use to clean with you (all you need is a spray bottle and a few lemons). This is a great way to spend more time with your child and teach valuable cleaning skills!
  • How to cover tables and chairs to keep them clean of messes, cozier, and nicer to look at.
  • How to make the bottom of a rug sticky so it won't slide on hardwood or tile (you can do it with baby socks too).

Watch the video and enjoy! I've already started using some of these hacks around my own home, and I can tell you that they have been making a difference. It really is the little things that help you cut back on stress. And when you do that, you can enjoy every minute of your journey as a mom!

Video by Emily Norris

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