Saturday, March 25, 2017

30 Surprising Ways to Re-Purpose Baby Wipe Containers

Yarn HolderYarn Holder

This is a very clever and natural use for a baby wipe container. Of course, that lid you pull the wipes up through is perfect for pulling yarn through! This is the perfect way to ensure that you don't end up with a tangled mess.

DIY Instructions: realsimple

Sensory Play Toy for Toddlers

Sensory Play Toy for Toddlers
If you have toddlers and are looking for a unique sensory play idea, one blogger came up with the genius idea of putting scraps of colorful fabric inside decorated old baby wipe containers. Little kids love pulling out the colorful fabric; apparently this can go on for hours and never get old.

DIY Instructions: aspottedpony

Seedling Container

Seedling Container
As the blogger who came up with this idea pointed out, it is fast and easy and it literally takes about five minutes to get it set up. It turns out that a baby wipes container makes the perfect starter for seedlings; you can even cover the top. It is a little bit like a miniature greenhouse, just with opaque walls. Use this idea if you want to get your seedlings started early and extend the growing season in late winter or early spring.

DIY Instructions: novicelife

Store Kids' Craft Supplies

Store Kids' Craft Supplies
Does your kid have craft and art supplies all over the place? Get that mess under control by storing it inside an old baby wipe container. With some creativity, you can make these craft containers look really nice; this is even a project which you could work on with your kids so that they can personalize their containers.

DIY Instructions: modernmommycanada

Store Your Own Craft Supplies

Store Your Own Craft Supplies
Old baby wipe containers aren't just great for storing your kids' craft supplies either; they are also perfect for storing your own. In fact, they are just the right height for storing craft paints. You can fit 18 bottles into a single container.

DIY Instructions:  creativemamaonadime

Use Baby Wipe Containers to Store Dryer Sheets

Use Baby Wipe Containers to Store Dryer Sheets
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Baby wipe containers make it easy to grab baby wipes, so why not also use them to grab dryer sheets quickly and easily when you need them?

DIY Instructions: pinterest

Store Plastic Bags

Store Plastic Bags
This idea is closely related to the one above. I don't know about you, but I never know what to do with plastic bags from the grocery store; I hang onto a lot of them because I find them handy, but usually I just shove them all into a drawer where they are completely disorganized. I'm not doing that again! I'll just put them in a baby wipe container!

DIY Instructions: theteacherswife

Lego Travel Box

Lego Travel Box
Okay, this is an idea that I am just in love with! If your kid loves Lego blocks, make it easy to bring them along on trips! For this project, you attach a Lego base to the inside of a baby wipe container lid, and then you just store the Lego bricks inside the box. The box keeps the bricks in place and your child can build on the lid. I think this might work better if the Lego base was placed on top of the lid, but that would entail opening and closing the lid a lot if your child wants to keep the bricks inside (i.e. in the car), so I can see why this might be best. Brilliant idea in any case!

DIY Instructions: kvbarn

Alphabet Monster

Alphabet Monster
This is a game made out of an old baby wipe container which has been given eyes so that it becomes a cute "monster" that eats letters. The idea is for your child to put in one letter at a time to "feed" the alphabet monster a word. This teaches spelling (and the care and feeding of plastic pets).

DIY Instructions: icanteachmychild

Build Beautiful Treasure Boxes

Build Beautiful Treasure Boxes
If your children like to collect "treasures"—special toys, objects from outside, etc., then give them a fun and beautiful storage solution in the form of a baby wipe turned into a "treasure box." This will keep your kids from strewing their treasures all around the house, and it makes for a fun craft project that you can do together. Check the source link for a full tutorial.

DIY Instructions:  snapguide

Sensory Board

Sensory Board
Here is another idea for sensory play which involves using the tops of baby wipe containers. Save the lids and affix them to some kind of a board, and then attach materials with fun textures to the inside of each. Your child can open and close the different lids and feel the textures and look at the materials. For added fun and challenge, after your child learns each of the materials using sight and touch, close the lids and have your child try and figure out which are which just from touch alone.

DIY Instructions: motherhoodandotheradventures

Store Playing Cards and Game Pieces

Store Playing Cards and Game Pieces
Board games are a lot of fun, but it is such a pain keeping track of all the game pieces and not losing them. One of the easiest solutions you are going to find is to store your loose game pieces and playing cards inside a set of old baby wipe containers. Just label them so that you know which pieces belong with which games. Very clever!

DIY Instructions:jazzieandtahlia

Breastfeeding Milk Storage Container

Breastfeeding Milk Storage Container
If you are trying to store frozen breastfeeding milk for later use and cannot figure out how to get it flat, one of the best ideas is to store a bag of milk inside a plastic baby wipe container. They come out being very flat and thin, and you can write on the date and time. You can easily stack these up to store neatly.

DIY Instructions: ramblingsofmama

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit
Unless you actually bought a first aid kit at some point as a kit, odds are that your first aid "kit" consists of a lot of loose odds and ends. You can go out and purchase a plastic container to store all the emergency stuff in, but why do that when all you need is a baby wipe container? This is a smart and easy idea!

DIY Instructions:  myfrugaladventures

Store Your Photos

Store Your Photos
These days a lot of us have most of our photos in digital format on our computer hard drives, but maybe you still have a lot of film snapshots. What's the best way to store a ton of 4×6 photo prints? It turns out that they fit perfectly inside baby wipe containers!

Source: pinterest

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