Sunday, March 26, 2017

How to Make an Amazing Cloud Lamp Using Really Simple Materials

How to Make an Amazing Cloud Lamp Using Really Simple Materials {Video}
I love mood lighting! It is such an easy way to take a boring room and turn it into an exciting one. But buying cool lights from the store is really expensive, and I just don't have the budget for it. Plus, I would always rather make something cool myself.

This video teaches you how to create an incredible cloud lamp using just a few simple materials!

All you need is a few wads of cotton, an old plastic water bottle or jug, and Christmas lights in any color. The finished lights look really surreal. While they are plenty cool in the video, they are even more beautiful and unusual in real life. Give this project a try; you will love the results. This would be a really fun project to do with the kids. Note: you can buy cotton stuffing for cheap at a hobby shop! You don't need to destroy an existing object to get it. Waste not! Tutorial and video by Householdhacker.

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