Monday, March 27, 2017

11 Grocery Shopping Mom-Hacks to Make Shopping With Kids Easy

11 Grocery Shopping Mom-Hacks to Make Shopping With Kids Easy {Video}
Do you like grocery shopping? Of all the "mom chores," it's probably my least favorite. Going up and down all those aisles searching for what I need, I tend to zone out. Let's just say I can relate to why my kids are so bored and frustrated when I can't find a babysitter and I have to bring them with me.

Unlike me, though, my kids haven't learned how to be patient. In the parking lot, they make a scene. Getting them to sit quietly and patiently in the front of the cart or walk with me in the store is nearly impossible. My older kid is constantly scampering down the aisles and I worry if my younger is safe in the front of the cart. Juggling the groceries themselves and my purse while taking care of my kids is a real challenge!

My last grocery run was a lot easier, though, and it's all thanks to this by WhatsUpMoms:

There are some amazing tips ad tricks in there for grocery shopping with your kids! I saved so much time on my last grocery run, and it was a lot less frustrating! I especially love the trick with the produce bag at 0:58!

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