Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The 35 Easiest Container and Pot Friendly Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs



It's not surprise that tomatoes grow well in containers. After all, they do sell them in those upside down growing containers, right? If you love fresh tomatoes throughout the year, you can easily grow them in just about any sized container, depending on the variety of tomato that you want to grow. You will want to be sure that the container is large enough to handle the plant and you can begin with seeds or starter plants, whichever you prefer. Also, add a cage to the outside of the container for extra support as the plant gets taller.

How to Grow Tomatoes in Containers

Growing Tomatoes in Containers 

5 Tips for Growing Tomatoes in Containers



You can grow basil indoors or out and it's great for adding to soups and other recipes. Even if you don't have an all-out herb garden, you can grow a bit of basil for your favorite dishes. You'll need a six inch planter, some fresh potting soil, and of course, the basil. Keep in mind that when you water basil, you need to avoid getting the leaves and stem wet. It's best to pour water directly onto the soil. You also need to provide it with a bit of direct sunlight every day so if you are planning to grow it indoors, make sure that you use containers that you can easily move to the deck during the sunniest part of the day.

How to Grow Sweet Basil in a Pot

Growing and Using Basil

Container Gardening : How to Plant Basil in Containers

Zucchini and Summer Squash

Zucchini and Summer Squash

All types of squash grow well in containers, particularly summer squash. Squash will actually grow just about anywhere you plan it. It's a very hardy and versatile plant so if you want to add fresh summer squash to your dinner table, grab a few containers and plant those seeds. Keep in mind that you will need to harvest the squash regularly when it begins to grow so that the plants don't get bogged down. You should be able to get about three squashes each week when they start growing so be sure to get them off the plant to make room for new growth.



Parsley grows very well in containers so if you love adding fresh parsley to your dishes, this is the perfect herb to grow on the balcony or porch. Parsley grows well in small containers and only requires partial sunlight so it's the perfect food to grow in apartments or other tight spaces. You will need to keep the soil moist for the best results and take care that you don't overwater your plants. It grows best in temperatures between 40 and 80 degrees which makes it perfect for winter container gardens. Just remember to bring it indoors at night so that it doesn't get too cold.

How to Grow and Care for Italian Parsley in Containers

Vegetable & Herb Gardening  How to Grow Parsley



Strawberries actually thrive in containers despite being known as a plant that needs plenty of room to grow. They are actually one of the best plants to grow in pots and they thrive even indoors so you can grow your own fresh strawberries all year long. You need to choose a sunny spot and this can be by a window. Strawberries can also be supplemented with artificial sunlight, which makes them perfect for winter growing. You do need to choose a container large enough to handle them and make sure that you harvest them regularly when they begin to produce to make room for additional growth.

How to Plant and Grow Strawberries in Containers

Growing Strawberries in a Strawberry Pot



You can enjoy pineapple any time during the year by growing it yourself, even if you don't live in a tropical area. Start with a fresh pineapple and cut off the crown, leaving a bit of fruit at the top. You'll want to soak the crown for a day or so in water to allow it to soak up moisture and then plant in a gallon sized plastic container. You will want to choose a warm, sunny spot for your pineapple which makes it a great choice for balconies and decks. If you are growing during the winter, be sure to bring the plant in at night.

How to grow pineapples in pots or containers and enjoy the tropical fruit at home

How to: Grow Pineapples at home



Yes, you can grow cantaloupe in a container. If you love this sweet melon and you don't really have a garden spot to grow your own, just pick up a couple of rather large containers and you can grow enough to last you all summer. Any variety of cantaloupe can be grown in containers and you can let the vines spill over the side or support them with sticks. Smaller plants which produce smaller melons are the best choice for container gardening because they have more room to grow but you can do larger varieties as long as you have somewhere the vines can fall or if you are going to use bean poles or other support.

How to Grow Cantaloupe



Oregano is a very popular choice for container herbs and it grows very well in any sort of container. In fact, growing oregano in a container helps to prevent spreading so if you want to keep your oregano under control, containers are actually recommended by most expert gardeners. You just need a small container for each plant and a bit of potting soil. Oregano is an easy to grow herb and it's very hardy so you should have no trouble getting it to grow well. Choose a sunny spot to put your oregano during the day and then bring it in at night, especially if you are growing it during winter.

Vegetable & Herb Gardening » How to Grow » Growing Oregano



Having an herb garden doesn't actually mean having a large garden space. You can grow many herbs in containers and rosemary is one that does very well with regards to container gardening. Choose potting soil that has a minimum of peat moss. Rosemary prefers alkaline pH so the acid is great for helping it to thrive. You'll want a bit of sand in the bottom of the container for drainage and the surface should be allowed to dry out just a bit between waterings although it should never be completely dry.

How to Grow Rosemary in Containers or Pots



Sweet peppers really thrive in containers so if you love adding red, yellow, or green peppers to your favorite foods, you can grow them easily even without a garden space. Choosing the right size container is important here. You want the peppers to have room to grow and not be squashed. Smaller peppers will require at least a 2 gallon container while larger varieties will need a 5 or 10 gallon pot. You will want to allow the peppers at least 8 hours of sunlight each day when possible so choose a spot that gets plenty of direct sunlight. You can bring them in at night if you want, just take them back out each morning for full sunlight.

Growing peppers in containers

How to Grow Chili Peppers Indoors



Chives are without a doubt, one of the hardiest herbs that you can plant. They grow very well in containers or just about anywhere else you want to plant them. Chives are great for adding flavor to soups, dips, and of course, baked potatoes. Chives are also perennials so once you plant them, they'll come back year after year. You can move them indoors if you want to keep your harvest going all year long, but they do prefer a bit of sunlight throughout the day so choose a spot where they can get some sun at least through a window during the winter.

Cheap 'n Easy Container Idea – Chive Basin

Growing Chives, Indoors or Out

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