Monday, March 13, 2017

200 Brilliant Uses For Coconut Oil That Will Change Your Life Forever

200 Brilliant Uses For Coconut Oil That Will Change Your Life Forever
If you haven't already hopped onboard the coconut oil train, you're missing out on one of the most amazing natural substances on the planet. I first started using coconut oil as a moisturizer, and then I found out that it works great as a mouthwash, and then I realized I wanted to learn all the incredible uses for coconut oil. I did some research, and it turns out this stuff has literally hundreds of uses related to medicine, hygiene, pet care, cooking, industry, and more. I'm going to share everything I discovered with you, but first, I want to tell you a little more about coconut oil so that you buy the right stuff!

Why is Coconut Oil So Amazing?

Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and may even be able to fight the spread of cancer. It can kill a wide range of infections, and may also help your body get rid of parasites like lice and tapeworms. It can kill certain viruses, and your body can easily digest it to absorb all its nutrition. And of course it is natural and side-effect free.

There are two main types of coconut oil on the market. Either can be used for any of the purposes we recommend here, but the best to choose is unrefined:

Refined, also called "expeller pressed." This type of coconut oil doesn't smell or taste like coconut oil. The refining process takes out some of its nutrition, so while it is useful, it isn't as effective as unrefined coconut oil.

Unrefined, also called "virgin" or "extra virgin." This type of coconut oil hasn't going through the refining process and retains its taste and smell. In cooking, it will produce a minor coconut flavor. If you apply it externally, you will get a slight scent of coconut. It retains all its nutrition, so it is more effective than the refined oil. For the very best quality, search for non-GMO organic extra virgin coconut oil.

A couple more notes before I press on to more than 200 uses of coconut oil, and that is dosages. How much coconut oil should you take if you are simply taking it by mouth as a natural remedy? The recommended daily dosage depends on how much you weigh, and ranges from 1-4 tablespoons. For an adult 125 pounds or higher, the dosage is 3 tablespoons. For an adult 175 pounds or higher, the dosage is 4 tablespoons.

Finally, a word of caution—do not pour coconut oil down your drain (at least not in large amounts). It will solidify at room temperature and then clog your pipes! Find another method to dispose of it. If you must drain it down your pipes, dilute it with plenty of very hot water on the way down. Alternately, buy the stuff that remains a liquid at room temperature.

Where to buy?

Get a FREE jar of Organic Coconut Oil at Thrive Market! - 200 Brilliant Uses For Coconut Oil That Will Change Your Life Forever

Take advantage of our free offer from Thrive Market and claim your FREE 15 oz Thrive Market Virgin Coconut Oil.

Get Coconut Oil from Amazon here: Coconut oil on

Now let's find out what coconut oil can do for you!

Coconut Oil for Cooking

This was the very first area where I discovered the usefulness of coconut oil! I picked it up in the grocery store to see it could to for my recipes. Here's what you can do with it in your kitchen:

1. Use it in place of butter or vegetable oil in your recipes. This stuff works great for sautéing in a frying pan instead of vegetable oil, and it's healthier for you. You can also substitute it in place of butter using a 1-to-1 ratio. Butter still gives a richer flavor, but the coconut oil is certainly a healthier alternative.

2. Grease your pans. Coconut oil works great for greasing pans, just like vegetable oil or Crisco. And once again, it's better for you.

3. Boost the nutrition and improve the consistency of smoothies. Coconut oil turns out to be a great smoothie ingredient!

4. As a coffee creamer. That's right—you can use this as an alternative to milk or another traditional creamer. Some people swear by this.

5. Toast spread. I haven't tried this, but coconut oil seems to be a popular toast spread mixed with ingredients like cinnamon, honey, and nuts. Apparently you can even make it into a sweet butter replacement by beating it with a hand mixer together with honey and storing it in your fridge in a jar. It will have a fluffy texture, just like butter or margarine.

6. Use it as a sweetener. Coconut oil is slightly, but not overpoweringly, sweet. You can use it instead of sugar or stevia in some dishes where you only want a subtle sweetness.

7. Prevent freezer burn. Before you put something in the freezer, especially something like a sauce, add a layer of coconut oil at the top (keep it thin). This will form a seal, which will in turn prevent freezer burn. Very handy!

8. Remove caked-on food from dishes. Next time you are scrubbing your dishes and can't get off the caked-on food, don't put in more elbow grease—instead add some coconut oil! Coconut oil works great to lubricate these tough spots and will help you get caked-on foods off of your dishware.

9. There are a number of other coconut oil based recipes you can try to make salad dressing, granola, and even ice cream. Since you can use coconut oil to replace a number of common ingredients in cooking, the sky really is the limit as far as what you can invent. If you love the coconut flavor, be sure to use the unrefined oil. If you are not a fan of the flavor, you can still use coconut oil in your recipes by sticking with the refined stuff.

 If you enjoy mayonnaise, you can make your own using 2/3 cup coconut oil, 2/3 cup olive oil, a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and four egg yolks. It's much healthier and tastes great!
10. Make your own mayo.
If you enjoy mayonnaise, you can make your own using 2/3 cup coconut oil, 2/3 cup olive oil, a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, and four egg yolks. It's much healthier and tastes great!

Coconut Oil for Beauty

Coconut oil is amazing for beauty applications! It is helpful for so many different things you will be totally amazed. I now use it for practically everything!

11. Moisturize your hair and scalp. If you have dry, thin hair that breaks easily and problems with dandruff, you need something to boost the natural oils in your hair and scalp. Coconut oil works amazingly well for this! The first time I tried this, I thought I had to heat up the oil to turn it into a liquid—what a pain. But all you need to do is get a very small amount of the solid oil between your hands, rub them together, and then work it through your hair. The action of your hands is enough to melt the oil! The oil will make your hair smooth and silky, prevent dandruff, and also tame frizz. Seriously, you have to try this, the effect is amazing! Just be careful not to overdo it if you are leaving it in, because too much will just make your hair look greasy.

12. Moisturize your skin. Just as coconut oil works great as a moisturizer for your hair and scalp, it also works wonders anywhere you need it. It's perfect for those dry winter months! You can use it on your face, your hands, your feet, anywhere. When you first apply it, there will be a slight greasy feel, but the oil will penetrate your skin and sink in. After a few minutes, the greasy feel will be replaced by a nice soft texture.

13. Prevent acne. If you are a sufferer of acne at any age, you probably think that applying oil is completely counterintuitive. Why would you want to make your skin greasier? It doesn't really work that way, though. Oftentimes, you suffer from acne not because your skin is greasy, but because your skin is too dry. This causes an overproduction of your natural skin oils to try and compensate. Moisturize with the coconut oil and your body won't feel the need to overcompensate. I used some coconut oil to moisturize dry skin on my face last week and was surprised when it also tamed my acne breakouts!

14. Get rid of puffiness around your eyes. Do you wake up with puffy eyes? Puffiness around your eyes can make you look tired and old. For a fresh, youthful appearance, apply a small amount of coconut around your eyes before you go to sleep (you can even put it safely on your eyelids). When you wake up in the morning, you should see a reduction in the puffiness!

15. Make a natural face wash. Mix castor oil and coconut oil with a 1-to-1 ratio for a deep cleansing face wash.

16. Replace your shaving cream. Not happy with your shaving cream? Toss it out and replace it with coconut oil. Coconut oil is chemical-free and works much better on sensitive skin! It will make for a slippery surface, so it may take some adjusting to get used to, but once you do, you will never look back. It also provides enough lubrication to make it easy to wash the shaved hairs out of your razor blades. Also note that applying coconut to your skin half an hour before you shave can prepare the area for shaving. This will reduce irritation and bumps caused by the razor.

17. As an aftershave. Not only does coconut oil make a good preparatory agent for shaving, but it makes a great follow-up too. It will quickly soothe irritation, helping your skin to heal without forming razor burn.

Exfoliate your face. Mix coconut oil with baking soda with a 1-to-1 ratio and use it on your face. This is a great exfoliating agent, and will remove all kinds of dirt and dead skin cells from your face. Your complexion should be visibly brighter when you are finished.
18. Exfoliate your face.
Mix coconut oil with baking soda with a 1-to-1 ratio and use it on your face. This is a great exfoliating agent, and will remove all kinds of dirt and dead skin cells from your face. Your complexion should be visibly brighter when you are finished.

19. Exfoliate your feet. Mix coconut oil with a little coarse sea salt and you will get an even more powerful exfoliating concoction. You wouldn't want to use this on your face (it would be too harsh), but it works great for the soles of your feet. You can soften hard soles this way.

20. Boost the health of your cuticles. If your nail beds are dry and flaky, you can moisturize them using coconut oil. You might also want to apply coconut oil to hangnails, since it can speed up the healing process and prevent or cure infections around your nails.

21. Prevent and get rid of stretch marks. Stretch marks are those unsightly marks which appear on your body during pregnancy or after any rapid weight gain or growth spurt. If you are forming stretch marks, rub coconut oil into your skin to prevent them from getting worse. You may be able to reduce their appearance over time using coconut oil as well.

22. Reduce the appearance of age spots and other types of skin discoloration. Age spots are a dead giveaway of your age, and if you have spent a lot of time out in the sun, discoloration from sun damage can make you appear old before your time. Apply coconut to these spots and they may fade in appearance. You will achieve the best results with regular applications.

23. Use coconut oil in place of lip gloss or chapstick. Just as you can use coconut oil as a moisturizer for your hair and skin, it works as a moisturizer for dry lips. Just apply a tiny bit, and you will keep your lips moist and healthy. They will look and feel fantastic, and it's an all-natural approach.

24. Exfoliate your lips. If your lips have been chapped for some time or you are a chronic biter, you probably have a buildup of dead skin. This can look very unsightly, and it can also cause further discomfort (which may lead to more lip biting). You can get rid of the dead skin by exfoliating your lips once a week using a teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with two teaspoons of brown sugar or raw sugar and a tablespoon of honey (the honey is optional). This mixture is gentle enough to exfoliate your lips without damaging them. You only need a tiny bit, so you can store this mixture in a jar and use it repeatedly. Your lips will be soft after the application, and you should start seeing less of that unsightly dead skin.

25. Clean your mascara brush. Have a buildup of mascara on your mascara brush? You can get rid of all that clumpy buildup just by soaking your brush in coconut oil for five minutes. Pull it out and then just use your fingers to get rid of the remaining clumps. The soak will make it easy to pull the stuff off, and you will have a nice clean mascara brush.

26. Make your own mascara. The mascara you buy from the store has a lot of chemicals in it, and applying chemicals near your eyes is just a really dubious thing to do. Make your own mascara from scratch as a healthy alternative using coconut oil, aloe vera gel, bees wax, and activated charcoal or cocoa powder. It's chemical free, healthy, and looks gorgeous!

27. Enhance your eyelashes. If you overdo it with the mascara, your eyelashes can start to suffer and may look limp and lifeless. Swab a bit of coconut oil over your eyelashes before bed. Use only a tiny bit. It will enhance your eyelashes and give them a boost.

28. Get wax off your skin. If you wax your skin to remove unwanted hairs, you know how irritating that sticky wax can be afterwards. The hardest part is getting it all off your skin! You can make a hard job easy using coconut oil. Apply it and then use a warm wash cloth to get rid of the wax. The coconut oil may also soothe your skin, reducing burning and itching.

29. Clear up varicose veins. If you have unsightly varicose veins, you can apply coconut oil topically to reduce their appearance. Do it regularly and you will get the best results.

Speed up hair growth.
30. Speed up hair growth.
Coconut oil is helps to improve the overall health and strength of your hair, which in turn can reduce breakage and help you to lengthen your hair.

31. Get rid of cellulite. If you have that awful cottage cheese texture going on, you probably would do anything to get rid of it. A lot of promised cellulite treatments don't really work, but here is one that does. Use a soft bristled brush and sweep it over your legs upward toward your heart. This is known as dry brushing. Follow it up with coconut oil applied to the same areas. If you do this regularly, you should start seeing a reduction in your cellulite after a couple of months have gone by.

32. Use it as a foundation primer before you apply your makeup. If you have a hard time applying your foundation smoothly and evenly, a primer is a great step to take. Just apply a tiny bit of coconut oil to your face. Wait until it soaks into your skin, leaving it soft and dry, and then apply your foundation. You may also have great results by combining your foundation and the coconut oil and applying it that way.

33. Remove your makeup with coconut oil too! It turns out that coconut oil not only is great for applying makeup, but for removing it as well. Rub coconut oil over your face, and wait for a minute. Then wipe it off along with your makeup. This works especially well if you are struggling to remove waterproof makeup.

34. Make a natural face mask. If you like using facial masks to help you clear up your complexion, you can make your own facial mask out of coconut oil and honey. Mix them together so that you get that thick consistency you would expect from a facial mask. A great addition is carrot seed oil. This will help to improve your skin tone. Apply it and wait for around fifteen minutes, and then wash it off. It should really clarify your complexion and give it a nice glow.

35. Replace your deodorant. Standard store-bought deodorant has all kinds of chemicals in it, and you don't want those chemicals absorbing into your skin, do you? If you are ready to toss your store-bought deodorant, a great alternative is a deodorant made out of coconut oil. Combine 1/3 cup coconut oil with ¼ cup baking soda, ¼ cup arrowroot powder, 4 tablespoons cornstarch and any essential oils you would like for scent. The coconut oil and the baking soda contribute to the consistency, so you can modify the recipe to get the exact consistency you are looking for. Store it in a small glass jar and enjoy.

Make your own body butter.
36. Make your own body butter.
Combine coconut oil with shea butter and whip it until the mixture takes on a nice light fluffy consistency. You can optionally add essential oils if you want a scent. This is a fast, easy, and fun recipe!

37. Make lotion at home. If you want to enjoy natural, healthy lotion that will really feel great on your skin, coconut oil makes a perfect starting ingredient. There are many recipes you can try!

38. Make your own natural sunscreen. No, coconut oil is not an effective sunscreen on its own, because it only has an SPF of 4-6. But you can mix it with other ingredients for a better effect. Try mixing ½ cup almond oil or olive oil with ¼ cup coconut oil and ¼ cup beeswax. Also add two tablespoons of zinc oxide (be sure to get a version which your skin will not absorb!), and 1 teaspoon each of red raspberry seed oil, carrot seed oil, and vitamin E oil. You also need 2 tablespoons of shea butter. Add any essential oils you want as well (just avoid oils that will increase photosensitivity).

Coconut Oil Home Remedies

While many uses of coconut oil are cosmetic, many others involve your actual health. Coconut oil can be used as a home remedy for many different minor maladies. Here are some more amazing ways you can use coconut oil in your home!

39. Get relief from sunburn fast. Just as you can use coconut oil to make natural sunscreen, you can also use it to get relief from the sunburn you already have. Make a 1-to-1 mixture of coconut oil and aloe vera gel, and rub it gently into your skin where you are burned. The mixture should be soothing on your burn. If you put it in the fridge before applying it, it will be even better.

40. Speed wound healing. As mentioned earlier, coconut oil has wonderful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which is why it has so many uses when it comes to your health. You can heal wounds faster by applying a bit of coconut oil directly to them. This will help to prevent and clear up infection.

41. But bite relief. The same anti-inflammatory properties that make coconut oil so soothing on sunburned skin also make it a great antidote for itchy bug bites. Just smear some directly onto the bites and you should start feeling some relief.

42. Soothe an eczema outbreak. If you are suffering from a flare of eczema, you can rub coconut oil into your skin to soothe the itching and get relief.

43. Soothe chicken pox. If you or your child has chicken pox, the soothing properties of coconut oil can promote relief form the itching. One great way to do this is to add it to a warm bath with oatmeal and simply soak.

44. Soothe skin infected by poison ivy, oak, or sumac. If your itch was caused by one of these pesky plants, you may get relief by applying the coconut oil directly to the site. Also try a warm bath with some coconut oil added to your water.

45. Treat acid reflux or heartburn. If you suffer from heartburn, you know that awful feeling in your esophagus can really cramp your style during the day and can keep you awake at night. Coconut oil can be a helpful treatment for heartburn and can help to soothe your esophagus. I am going to have to try this one!

46. Soothe a toothache. Make a small mixture of 1 part coconut oil with 2 parts clove oil. Use a cotton ball or swab to gently apply the mixture to the part of your gum affected by your toothache. Many people say they find immediate relief this way.

47. Make your own toothpaste. If you have ever used baking soda in place of toothpaste but do not like the texture, you may prefer a mixture of coconut oil and baking soda. Just mix them together until you get the consistency you like. While baking soda works wonders, you will love the results you get with coconut oil, which fights germs in your mouth. Want it to taste like the toothpaste you get in a tube? Just add some spearmint essential oil for flavor.

48. As mouthwash (i.e. "oil pulling"). Oil pulling is all the rage these days! Oil pulling basically refers to using coconut oil in place of your mouthwash. But since coconut oil has a thicker texture than your mouthwash (remember to heat it into a liquid form before doing this), it takes more work to "pull" it through your mouth than it does to swish mouthwash. It is suggested you do this for 10-20 minutes to get the best results (read a book or watch TV or something to distract yourself). It will foam up in your mouth as it does its work on the germs. Occasionally you may need to spit some of it out. When you do spit it all out at the end, remember not to spit in your sink.

49. Treat your canker sores. Canker sores are another common mouth problem which you may be able to fend off with the help of coconut oil. Use a cotton swab for this just as you do for toothache. The coconut oil will help to fight the infection causing the canker sore, and can speed up healing.

50. Get rid of cold sores—or prevent them. If you have a feeling that a cold sore is coming on, you may be able to prevent it by applying some coconut oil to the spot. This may also speed the healing of your cold sore if you do get one.

51. Relief from hemorrhoids. The soothing properties of coconut oil can make it a great treatment for hemorrhoids.

52. Fight your athlete's foot. Coconut oil not only is antiviral and antibacterial, but also antifungal. This makes it an effective treatment against athlete's foot. Just rub coconut oil into your feet several times a day. You may also get good results if you mix in a few drops of tea tree essential oil.

53. Get rid of toenail fungus. Here's another nasty unwanted guest you may be able to chase away with coconut oil. Get rid of as much of the fungus as you can by hand, and then apply the coconut oil to the spot. You may need to do this several times a day for weeks to notice a difference, but keep at it and you should see an improvement eventually.

Keep your warm bath from drying out your skin.
54. Keep your warm bath from drying out your skin.
Remember the chicken pox-soothing bath from earlier? I forgot to mention that another benefit of that bath is that you step out of it with your skin moist. Warm baths are very cozy, but the warm water tends to dry out your skin. Coconut oil prevents that, which makes a good addition to your bath whether you are trying to soothe an itch or not.

55. Get excess wax out of your ears. Natural oils work great for getting wax buildup out of your ears. Try a drop or two of either olive oil or coconut oil for excellent results. While some people recommend a cotton swab, it is generally safer not to poke things in your ears. Use an eyedropper and simply tilt your head to add the drops. Then tilt your head the other way to let the oil drip back out. It usually takes some time for the oil to come out completely, but it will help to break up the wax. This is a safer and more pleasant alternative to flushing out your ears.

56. Soothe a sore throat. If you have a scratch or sore throat, you may be able to relieve the pain by swirling a little coconut oil and honey around in your mouth and then gently swallowing the mixture. It will soothe your throat as it goes down and you should find yourself feeling better.

57. Reduce a cough. If your cold comes with a cough and not just a sore throat, you may be able to get some relief using a similar mixture. Add a teaspoon of honey to half a spoonful of coconut oil. Pour them into a cup, and add hot water and some fresh lemon juice. You want the entire mixture to fill about a quarter of a cup. Stir it all up, and then drink it while it is still hot. Do this before bed, and you should have a much easier time settling down for the night and getting some real rest.

58. Treat hay fever. Suffer from allergies? Suffer no more with coconut oil. Apparently if you dab just a little bit of coconut oil into each of your nostrils, you can get quick relief from your hay fever symptoms. How does it work? The pollen and spores that get into your nose and irritate you will instead stick to the oil. This will keep them clear of your nasal passage, significantly reducing your symptoms.

59. Immune system boost. Because coconut oil fights bacteria as well as viruses and fungi, it can boost your immune system. Just take it regularly using the dosage recommended at the beginning of the article. Be sure you take the unrefined variety of coconut oil so you are getting all the health benefits.

60. Reduce seizures. According to Dr. Julian Whitaker's Health & Healing newsletter, medium chain triglycerides (in the form of MCT oil) combined with coconut oil can be an effective treatment for seizures, as helpful as a ketogenic diet. The recommended dosage is 4 teaspoons of MCT oil mixed with 3 teaspoons of coconut oil taken three times daily. They can be mixed and stored in a jar (not refrigerated), which will keep them in a soft state. You can then take them conveniently with your meals—or cook with the combined oils if you want. This mixture creates keytones, which can boost the keytone concentration in your blood, controlling seizures.

61. Treat pink eye naturally at home. Pink eye can have a variety of causes, and may require antibiotics or another medication to cure, but if you are stuck at home, you can try using coconut oil as a remedy first. The curative properties of coconut oil make it effective in some cases, and there is a chance your pink eye will resolve itself if you dab the oil on your eyelids. Just apply it to a cotton ball, and then follow up with a warm or cold compress. Warmth will soothe itchy eyes, and cold will reduce swelling.

62. Treat an ear infection. If you or your child has an ear infection, applying a little coconut oil may help to kill the infection more quickly.

Boost blood circulation.
63. Boost blood circulation.
If you want to increase your blood circulation, you may have some luck with coconut oil. This makes it great for treating a number of health issues.

64. Boost your HDL cholesterol. Coconut oil can raise your HDL (good) cholesterol levels. The bad news though is that it can also raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels! So use it in moderation, because too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

65. Treat a yeast infection. According to nutritionist Dr. Bruce Fife, coconut oil is a great treatment for yeast infections because it contains lauric acid and caprylic acid. Fife theorizes that the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil are capable of killing candida in the intestines.

66. Prevent the flu. Dr. Fife also adds that coconut oil is great for preventing the flu, since it is so good for your immune system. If you notice flu symptoms starting to appear or someone else in your household has the flu, take a tablespoon of coconut oil every couple of hours. According to Fife, the flu will generally go away overnight if you do this.

67. Fight cravings for sugar. Are you trying to cut back on the amount of sugar you eat? You may want to try taking a spoonful of coconut oil instead of reaching for a treat. The coconut oil will give you an immediate burst of energy, which should help to alleviate your cravings.

68. Lose weight. If sugar is the leading cause of your weight gain, you may be able to finally start reaching your weight loss goals by controlling those sugar cravings. Plus, coconut oil is great for your metabolism, and having a fast metabolism is one of the keys to burning off the pounds and keeping the weight off after you do. Don't be surprised if you check the scale in a few weeks and notice you have dropped a few pounds!

69. Combat digestive problems. If you have indigestion related to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, taking coconut oil may help you to start feeling better again. Not only will coconut oil help to fight the infection, but it will also increase your body's absorption of healthy nutrients from your food. These nutrients will strengthen all of your body systems, leading to all-around improvement. It may be just what your body needs to start getting healthy again.

70. Prevent nose bleeds. Do you have a sensitive nose which easily gets dry and bleeds in very hot or cold weather? If so, you may be able to prevent future nose bleeds by dabbing a little coconut oil in your nostrils as a moisturizer. This will protect your capillaries and prevent your nasal passages from drying out.

71. Improve lung function. Researchers have discovered that coconut oil may increase the fluidity of cell surfaces. This may boost the function of your lungs.

72. Relieve constipation naturally. Coconut oil is a natural laxative. It speeds up your metabolism and helps to soften stools. For this purpose, you are going to want to take the unrefined virgin coconut oil, because the refined oil may lack the fiber that you need. You may notice improvement with as little as one or two teaspoons, but you may need up to two tablespoons. It is a good idea to give your body some time to adjust, so start small if you have never taken coconut oil in the past. Taking too much can give some people diarrhea, and you don't want that.

73. Stop hot flashes during menopause. Some women report that taking one or two tablespoons each day helps to provide relief during menopause by preventing hot flash symptoms.

74. Treat enlarged prostate. A research trial on rats in 2007 indicated that coconut oil can be used to treat enlarged prostate. Taking coconut oil regularly may help to treat symptoms or prevent prostate enlargement.

75. Fight H. pylori infections. H. pylori is one of the most pervasive infections on the planet. Scientists estimate around two-thirds of the world's population has an active or passive H. pylori infection, and most people do not even know they have it. Coconut oil's antimicrobial properties can help you to combat H. pylori. Some sufferers of H. pylori have reported success treating the infection by taking three teaspoons of coconut oil daily.

76. Treat Alzheimer's. While there is no research supporting coconut oil as a long-term treatment or solution for Alzheimer's, many patients do report short-term benefits. The ketones in the oil can boost brain health, helping patients to function.

77. Fight adrenal fatigue. Some people report that taking coconut oil regularly gives them an energy boost and helps to prevent adrenal fatigue. For those who are chronically tired or stressed, this can be a real boon.

78. Treat a urinary tract infection (UTI). If you have a urinary tract infection, you may find the antimicrobial properties of coconut oil helpful in combating your infection. Take 3 tablespoons a day to reduce your symptoms.

79. Boost calcium absorption. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and plays an important role in many body systems. Some people have a hard time absorbing calcium. One way you can boost your calcium absorption is by taking coconut oil.

80. Boost magnesium absorption. Magnesium is another essential nutrient which plays many important roles in your body. Magnesium is one of the best all-around supplements for migraines, constipation, hormonal imbalance, and more. Coconut oil can increase your body's absorption of magnesium.

81. Heal bruises more quickly. Dabbing some coconut oil on your bruises may reduce swelling and also help them to heal more quickly.

82. Get rid of ringworm. Since ringworm is a fungus, it can be eradicated by the anti-fungal properties of coconut oil. This is a great home remedy to use during an infection.

83. Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to soothe yourself and relax. Coconut oil is perfect for aromatherapy. Coconut is a very tranquil, beautiful smell.

84. As a carrier oil for essential oils. Whether you use essential oils as perfume or for medicinal purposes, you need to dilute them in a carrier oil before you can safely apply them to your skin. Refined coconut oil (the variety that has no scent) can work for this. If you do not mind the coconut smell mixing in, the unrefined oil works great too.

Control your blood sugar.
85. Control your blood sugar.
Coconut oil can help to stabilize your blood glucose levels. This can be helpful in treating diabetes as well as adrenal conditions. Even if you do not suffer from diabetes, you may feel your energy levels are more stable throughout the day with coconut oil.

86. Energy boost before a workout. If you are looking for a burst of extra energy before you head to the gym that won't spike your blood sugar, coconut oil is the perfect choice.

87. Unclog your ears. Have a build-up of earwax in your ears? Use an eyedropper to dispense several drops of coconut oil into your ear, and then tilt your head the other way so that it can drain. Usually most of it will drain out immediately, but the rest will drain slowly throughout the day. The oil helps to soften the wax and unclog your ear.

88. Reduce the symptoms of arthritis. The pain of arthritis comes from inflammation in your joints. Coconut oil may be effective as a natural treatment for arthritis. Researchers conducted a study on rats and discovered that coconut oil reduced the inflammation in the arthritic rodents, resulting in improvement. Try taking it daily and see what happens.

89. Get rid of lice. Have head lice? They're no fun. Get rid of them by applying coconut oil regularly to your hair until they are gone. You will want to proceed it with vinegar. The vinegar helps to unstuck the lice eggs from your hair, and the coconut oil then smothers the lice, killing them. Some people find this treatment works the first time. For more persistent cases, you may need multiple applications. Don't worry—both vinegar and coconut oil are great for your hair!

90. Post-inking treatment for tattoos. Coconut oil can be a good moisturizer to apply after you have received a tattoo. It may speed the healing process and also reduce the chances of an infection. But be careful not to overdo it; too much coconut oil may have a bleaching effect on your ink and reduce the brightness of the color.

91. Make a natural vapor rub. Need help sleeping while you're sick? Make a natural vapor rub using coconut oil, beeswax, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, and clove oil. This is a great all-natural alternative to the store-bought variety.

Coconut Oil for Pregnancy and Baby Care

There are a lot of different ways you can use coconut oil if you are pregnant or if you have already brought home your little bundle of joy from the hospital. Don't forget about coconut oil to get rid of stretch marks, as discussed previously!

92. Prevent morning sickness. Suffering from morning sickness? You can calm down that queasy stomach using a tablespoon of coconut oil. You may want to make this a morning routine while you are pregnant.

93. Prevent tears to the perineum. If you apply coconut oil three times daily to the perineum for several months leading up to your delivery date, you should be able to prevent tears. You may not be able to stop them completely, but you may be able to lessen them.

94. Soothe an irritated bosom. If breastfeeding is causing irritation, you should be able to find some relief by applying coconut oil. It works great as an alternative to lanolin cream.

95. Keep your baby's skin soft and moisturized. Coconut oil added to a baby's bath is a great choice of moisturizer. Babies have very sensitive skin, and coconut oil will not cause irritation.

96. Baby wipes. If you use cloth baby wipes, you can apply some coconut oil to make your job easier.

97. Stop diaper rash. Many mothers report that coconut oil works great for preventing diaper rash. Just apply directly to the skin.

98. Strengthen soft spots. When babies are born, their heads have soft spots. You can strengthen them by dabbing a bit of coconut oil over them.

99. Increase quality and flow of breast milk. Nursing mothers often report that they are able to increase the quality and flow of breast milk by consuming coconut oil in moderate amounts. Try taking a tablespoon a day and see what happens. Breast milk that has been fortified in this way can be more nourishing and may also help your baby to grow and develop healthily.

Replace baby lotion.
100. Replace baby lotion.
Here is yet another great use for coconut oil. You can replace your store-bought baby lotion with an all-natural mixture that is perfect for sensitive skin. Stir half a cup of coconut oil into raw and unrefined shea butter until you get the texture you are after, and you have what you need.

101. Treat thrush. If your baby has a thrush infection, coconut oil makes a good natural treatment.

102. Treat cradle cap. If your baby has "cradle cap," his or her scalp is producing too much sebum. You can get rid of the characteristic yellow and brown areas by rubbing a teaspoon of coconut oil onto your baby's scalp. The cradle cap should gradually go away. This may take several days.

103. Heal acne. Just as coconut oil works great for adult acne, it also works well for all ages. Children and adolescents can use it, and you can use it on your baby as well. This gentle moisturizing oil will help balance your baby's skin tone, reducing acne outbreaks.

104. Reduce croup cough. If your baby or child has croup cough, you can fight it by creating the same vapo-rub alternative discussed earlier. The formula works great for all ages.

105. Fortify baby formula. If you are feeding your baby formula, you may want to fortify it by adding a little coconut oil. This adds lauric acid, which is an important constituent of breast milk. This will render baby formula into a more nutritious substance.

106. Make it easier to clean your baby's bottom. If you dread changing your baby's diapers, you can rub some coconut oil onto his or her bottom when it is clean. This will prevent messes from sticking and will make it easier to clean up after your baby goes number two. And remember, this simultaneously prevents diaper rash!

107. Natural treatment for infant ear infections. Not only is coconut oil perfect as a treatment for adult ear infections, but it can also work on an infant. When you are treating ear infections at home, you have to be very careful, and nowhere is that more true than with infants. One safe natural substance you can use even with babies is coconut oil. Use an eyedropper to put a couple of drops in the infected ear. The antimicrobial properties will go right to work. If you suspect damage to the eardrum though, do not attempt this.

108. Massage oil. Coconut oil makes a perfect massage oil for babies. Massaging a baby has a lot of benefits; it is soothing, may alleviate constipation, can lead to better sleep, and can stimulate the central nervous system.

109. Tame baby frizz. Just as you can tame your own frizz using coconut oil, you can also tame your baby's frizz. When babies have really short hair, it can often stick right up on end. Tame those stubborn locks with just a little coconut oil.

110. Help relieve teething pain. Teething is important, but it is no fun. If your baby is crying because of teething, you may be able to help reduce the pain and inflammation by rubbing coconut oil directly onto the gums mixed with a little clove oil. Alternately, you can apply the oil directly to a teething toy. This may prevent some of the inflammation and pain in advance.

111. Safe play dough for babies. Want to create a fun, safe toy for your baby? All you need is half a cup of coconut oil (liquid) and two cups of corn starch. Mix them together and you will have play dough. Since it is technically edible, it is a safer alternative to commercial play dough. You might want to continue providing this form of play dough even to older children if they have a tendency to try and eat it. While it will be a plain white, you can add food coloring to get fun colors.

Coconut Oil around the Home

So far all the uses for coconut oil we have talked about have concerned personal care, either for yourself or your child. But the uses of coconut oil extend far beyond hygiene, beauty and home remedies! You can use coconut oil for numerous applications around the household.

112. Furniture polish. Want to quickly polish up wood furniture so that it has that nice shine? Instead of buying furniture polish from the store, consider just adding a little bit of lemon juice to some liquid coconut oil. Rub just a little bit onto your furniture and you should see a nice restoration of shine. You can use it on any type of wood.

113. Leather shiner. You can not only shine up wood with coconut oil, but leather as well.

114. Leather cleaner. While you are shining up your leather, you are also cleaning it. It will not do a perfect job, but it is great for a quick once-over.

115. Remove rust. You can remove rust from any number of objects with an application of coconut oil. Coat the object in the oil and then set it somewhere for an hour. The oil will loosen up the rust. Use a sponge and warm water. You should see most of the rust come right off.

116. Prevent dust from accumulating on surfaces. This is particularly helpful on hard-to-reach surfaces like upper shelves or ceiling fan blades. Apply a thin coating and it will prevent dust from accumulating. That means you can go longer between cleanings of these hard-to-reach objects.

117. Get rid of the gunk left behind by stickers. Ever purchase a new product and need to pull off a sticker, only to find that gunky residue left behind? You can use coconut oil to remove the gunk. It works great if you mix it with baking soda to give it some abrasive qualities. Let the gunk soak in the paste for a couple minutes and then scrub it away.

118. Remove labels from bottles. This is related to the usage above. Sometimes you may want to pull the labels clean off of jars or bottles so that you can use them for other purposes. Coconut oil can loosen the labels and help you pull them off, and then also help you remove the residue that is left behind.

119. Condition a cutting board. Have a wood cutting board? Then you know after a while they can become dry and brittle. Make your cutting board easier to use by wiping it down with a thin coating of coconut oil now and again.

120. Condition wood bowls. If your wood bowls are dry and cracking like your cutting board, put an end to it with a little bit of coconut oil.

121. Lubricate and degrease machinery. If you operate machinery and something is stuck, you may be able to use machinery to get it lubricated. You can also use it as a degreasing agent.

122. Lubricate a clothing rod. If you have a hard time pushing the hangars around on your closet rod, you might want to try lubricating it with coconut oil. This will make the hangars slide around with ease.

123. Shine leaves. Some people like the leaves on their indoor plants to look shiny, and purchase a commercial product for this purpose. These products contain chemicals and are bad for your plants. Replace that leaf shiner with coconut oil. You will get the same effect, and it will be much healthier for your plant and your home environment.

124. Polish bronze. You can use coconut oil as a polish for a number of different metals, but the consensus is that it works best for bronze. You only need a tiny bit applied to a cotton cloth. It will shine up the bronze and may also bring out the color.

125. Make soap. If you are into crafts, you can make your own soap using coconut oil. There are tons of different recipes you can try, and you can create your own. Use them yourself, gift them to friends, or sell them; they will be a hit!

126. Keep grass from getting stuck to your lawnmower. If you are tired of grass getting stuck on your lawnmower catcher, try coating the inside of it with coconut oil before mowing. This should prevent a lot of the grass blades from sticking. You can also coat the mower blades directly to keep them clean of grass cuttings.

127. Clean your garden tools. While you are outdoors, visit your garden shed and use the coconut oil to clean off your tools. Get rid of the rust, prevent future rust from forming, and keep your tools lubricated and in great working order.

Get your scissors working again.
128. Get your scissors working again.
Do your scissors stick while you are trying to use them? Instead of throwing them out, consider using coconut oil to give them a good cleaning and lubrication. You may very well find that with the rust removed and the hinges lubricated, they will work great again.

129. Lubricate hinges. Scissors hinges aren't the only hinges you can get working again with coconut oil. If you have door or window hinges that stick or make a lot of noise, you can lubricate them with coconut oil. This should make them much easier to use and also get them to stop that annoying squeaking.

130. Get a zipper unstuck. Few things are as irritating as a stuck zipper. This will not work if the zipper track is no longer functional, but if it is, you may be able to get the zipper unstuck again by using coconut oil. Use plenty; you will need it.

131. Season cast iron. If you own cast iron cookware, occasionally you need to "season" them to keep them in good working order. This keeps the surface from sticking. You can do this with coconut oil. Simply preheat your oven to 400 degrees, set the cast iron skillet on a stove burner on low, and add a teaspoon of coconut oil. Wait for it to melt, turn off the burner, and coat the whole surface of the pan. Then place it in the oven on the rack upside-down. Put some foil under it to catch the grease that drips. Bake the pan for an hour. Then wait for it to cool.

132. Keep your cast iron seasoned. As an extension of the use above, you can also use coconut oil to keep your cast iron cookware seasoned. After you cook in your pan, immediately scrub it off and wash it in hot water (do not use soap). Dry it and put it on the burner over a low flame. Wait until it is totally dry, then add another teaspoon of coconut oil. Spread it around and put the pan away (no need to use the oven again until you have to re-season).

133. Coat utensils. Tired of food caking onto spatulas and other utensils while you are cooking or serving? Save yourself time on the cleanup end by coating them all in a thin layer of coconut oil first. This will prevent the food from caking on.

134. Clean guitar strings. Are you a musician? A guitar is another item that needs to be regularly conditioned in order to work properly. Specifically, you need to lubricate the strings. It turns out coconut oil works perfectly for this in very small amounts.

135. Moisturize animal hide drums. If you play animal hide drums, you know that the hide can dry out easily. To keep rawhide drums functioning and producing beautiful sound, you need to moisturize them. While you can buy commercial solutions for this, coconut oil is a great natural alternative.

136. Get rid of soap scum. Have hard water? Tired of all that soap scum around your sink? You may be able to rub it off using coconut oil.

137. Remove chewing gum. Have chewing gum stuck in your hair or your carpet or on a clothing item? Coconut oil is probably the easiest way to get it unstuck and get rid of all the residue!

138. Remove makeup from clothing or carpeting. If you spill a makeup container or drop your lipstick, you can use coconut oil to remove the residue from your carpet or clothes.

139. Degrease your hands. Love working in your garage? If you have a hard time getting grease off your hands, one easy way to create a natural abrasive is to mix coconut oil and baking soda (just like you do to remove the gunk left by stickers). Rub your hands together and you will be able to remove the grease.

140. Get gunk out from under your nails. Have grease under your fingernails? Coconut oil is great for getting your hands clean, and also can work under your nails to remove that stubborn trapped grease.

141. Get a ring off your finger. You also might need to lubricate your hands to remove a ring that is stuck. Just apply the oil directly to the ring and turn it at the same time. After the oil gets under the ring, you should be able to tug it off.

142. Keep snow from sticking to a satellite dish. If you have a satellite dish outside and want to keep snow from getting stuck to it during the wintertime, rub a thin coating of coconut oil on the dish.

143. Coat your snow shovels. Just as coconut oil can keep snow from sticking to a satellite dish, it can also keep snow from sticking to a shovel. This can make your job significantly easier when it comes time to clear your driveway or sidewalks.

144. Grease bicycle chains. If you want to keep a bicycle chain from sticking, rub a little coconut oil onto it.

Get rid of ants.
145. Get rid of ants.
Have an ant problem? Mix coconut oil, castile liquid soap and seed oil together in a spray bottle, and spray it on an ant nest. It may get rid of your problem. Note however that bees and fish can be poisoned or killed by neem oil, so keep neem oil away from bodies of water, flowers, and beehives.

146. Get maggots and flies away from your trash. Tired of finding maggots under your trashcan and flies buzzing around it? You can try coating your trash can itself with coconut oil. Do this inside and out, and you will discourage flies from laying eggs. The result? No more maggots or flies turning your trash can into a home.

147. Remove dead bugs from your car or lawn furniture. Dead bugs stuck to your windshield? One easy way to get rid of them is by using coconut oil to loosen them up first. Just apply the coconut oil, wait a few minutes for it to soak in, and then try rubbing away the insect guts. You should have better luck than you would if you tried to do it without the coconut oil application first.

148. Remove tree sap. Like dead bugs, tree sap can easily get on lawn furniture or your vehicle. When it does, it really sticks! Coconut oil can help you to loosen it up and remove it.

149. Detail your car. While you are out by your car, is the inside starting to look a little old and tired? Freshen up your car's interior by dabbing some coconut oil on your dashboard. It should restore some of the shine, and the scent will also help to freshen the air.

150. Chase spiders away. Spiders are not necessarily something bad to have in your home; they do help control the insect population. But there are places you simply don't want them. Encourage them to avoid these areas by spraying them with coconut oil and vinegar.

151. Kill a cockroach. Do you usually spray cockroaches with bug spray, and then get stuck cleaning up the chemical mess left over afterwards? Coconut oil mixed with vinegar supposedly works great as a cockroach killer, without the chemical nastiness.

152. Kill mosquito larvae. Have standing water on your property? Live in a mosquito-infested area? One good way to deal with this problem before it gets out of hand is to add a little coconut oil to your standing water. The coconut oil kills the mosquito larvae before they reach adulthood and start swarming your area.

153. Repel mosquitoes. Didn't stop those mosquito larvae from reaching adulthood? Coconut oil works pretty well as a repellant as well, so you can wear it outside on those summer days when the mosquitoes are swarming.

154. Polish your shoes. This works particularly well on patent leather. If your shoes have lost their shine, you can buff them up this way.

155. Keep wax from sticking to a candleholder. If you don't want candle wax that is dripping down into a holder to stick to it, you can coat it with a thin layer of coconut oil first. This will make the wax much easier to remove.

156. Prevent rust from forming inside jar lids. If you are storing a liquid substance for a long time inside a jar, it can gradually cause the lid to corrode. You can prevent this with a bit of coconut oil inside the jar ring. This will also make it less likely the lid will stick, making it easier to get your jars open after a long time.

157. Unclog a nozzle on a spray bottle. If the nozzle on one of your spray bottles gets clogged up, one of the easiest ways to unclog it is with coconut oil. Simply transfer the lid of the spray bottle (the one that is clogged) over to another spray bottle filled with coconut oil spray. Spray with that can until the coconut oil can work loose the debris in the nozzle and get it working again. Then just transfer it back to the bottle it belongs on.

158. Improve your fertilizer. When you are fertilizing your lawn or your garden, you can mix in coconut oil to provide you with better coverage. It acts as a surfactant.

159. Prevent stains. If you have Tupperware, you know how easily it can stain and how impossible it can be to get those stains removed once they start, and then your plastic containers always look dirty. One great way to prevent this problem is to rub a little coconut oil over the surfaces before you put food in the container. This will prevent staining from starting.

160. Clean a retainer. If you wear a retainer and want to give it a good cleaning, coconut oil works great. Rub a little onto the retainer and then let it sit for a few hours. Rinse it off and the retainer will be clean and germ-free.

161. Clean a mouthguard. You can do the same thing with a mouthguard that you can with a retainer to get it clean and disinfected.

162. Denture cleaner. Just as coconut oil works great for cleaning a retainer or a mouthguard, it is also perfect for getting your dentures clean and disinfected.

163. Clean your license plates. Do you have a lot of dirt and gunk on your license plates? The dirt can be pretty unattractive, and it can also be very hard to remove. One easy solution is to use coconut oil. It will loosen that dirt right up and it will lift off easily.

164. Remove brake dust. Brake dust also tends to cling and build up, but you can get rid of it using coconut oil quickly and easily.

165. Clean insects from your car grill. Just as coconut oil works great for cleaning bird droppings and insect guts off your windshield, it also works great for getting both out of the grill of your car.

166. Get rid of the residue left by car window tint. Trying to remove window tinting from your car? Once you get the tint off, you will find a residue underneath that is almost impossible to remove. It turns out though that coconut oil mixed with baking soda does a great job.

167. Prevent clothing from chaffing. If you have tight clothing items which chafe your skin, you can prevent chaffing using a little coconut oil. Apply it to the area in question before you get dressed and you should reduce the problem significantly. This is especially useful if you are a hiker and are worried that a lot of repetitive movement will cause chafing while you walk.

Fire starter
168. Fire starter.
Love camping and cooking out, but don't enjoy trying to get your fire started? If you struggle to get your kindling lit, one easy trick is to soak cotton balls or cotton swabs in coconut oil and bring them with you in a plastic bag. Place the coconut oil swab or ball in your kindling and set light to it. It will burn quite well for at least several minutes, which hopefully will be enough to get the rest of your kindling to catch.

Coconut Oil for Pet Care

Just as you can use coconut oil for your own personal hygiene, you will also find that it is very handy for animal hygiene and health as well. Here are a few great ways you can use coconut oil for pet care.

169. Deodorize your dog. With some dogs a good bath is all that is needed to remove a bad smell, but if your dog's body odor lingers, you might try coconut oil as a deodorizer. Apply it for a few hours and then rinse it off. It should get rid of that smell at least for a little while.

170. Get rid of dandruff. As you know, coconut oil works great to remove dandruff from your own scalp. It turns out that it also can be used to remove dandruff from your dog's fur.

171. Soothe dry and irritated skin. The moisturizing properties which make coconut oil a great dandruff prevention treatment for your dog also make it a wonderful treatment for itchy, dry skin. Coconut oil is very soothing and will reduce irritation fast.

172. Speed healing skin infection healing. The antimicrobial properties in coconut oil make it a great treatment for a pet that is healing from an infection. Not only will the coconut oil help to soothe inflammation, but it will also speed healing by fighting the infection.

173. Speed wound healing. If your dog has a cut or abrasion, coconut oil will also hasten the healing process and prevent infection.

174. Prevent chafing. You can apply coconut oil to your own skin to prevent chafing while you are hiking, and you can do the same for your dog if you take him hiking with you. While dog hiking boots and accessories are designed for comfort, it never hurts to take an extra precaution.

175. Shampoo for your dog. If you want to save some money and also make sure you are using a quality organic product, you can create a shampoo for your dog by combining a tablespoon of coconut oil with 3 tablespoons of liquid castile soap, a cup of vinegar, and four cups of hot water. It works very well and is perfect for a dog with sensitive skin!

176. Condition fur. You already know you can apply coconut oil to your own hair as a leave-in conditioner. You can apply it to a dog's or cat's fur as leave-in conditioner as well. Just as you need to be careful with the amounts you use on your own hair, be careful not to overdo it with your pet, or you will have a greasy mess.

177. Condition bird feathers. This works a little bit differently. Instead of applying the oil to the bird's feathers directly, you add a little coconut oil to your bird's diet. This will make your bird's plumage healthy, strong, and brightly colored.

178. Relieve your pet's constipation. Coconut oil can bring constipation relief to humans, but also to furry friends. Try adding half a teaspoon of coconut oil to your dog or cat's food.

179. Boost energy. If your pet lays around all day and could use an energy boost, try adding a little coconut oil to your furry companion's diet. Just as coconut oil can boost energy for humans, it can also have the same effect on pets.

180. Improve your dog's breath. If your dog has bad breath, it could be because he has germs in his mouth that are creating the foul odor. Feeding your dog a little coconut oil or even using it while brushing his teeth may help to kill those germs and get rid of the odor.

181. Get rid of fleas. A lot of flea treatments for dogs use dangerous chemical ingredients and can cause serious health problems. Essential oils are sometimes recommended as an alternative, but they can be a bit intense for some dogs. Coconut oil offers a safe, natural, healthy alternative. Rub it into your dog's skin for a couple of hours and then rinse it off. Do this once a day or so and you can prevent future flea infestations.

182. Tick preventative. Fleas aren't the only pests that can infest your dog's fur. Ticks are dangerous pests that can cause serious disease in dogs and humans. Coconut oil can help to prevent ticks from latching onto your four-legged friend.

183. Get rid of hairballs. Adding coconut oil to your cat's diet in small amounts can reportedly lead to a reduction in hairballs.

Coat a kitty litter tray.
184. Coat a kitty litter tray.
If you are tired of struggling to clean out the kitty litter tray, coat it with a little coconut oil before you add the kitty litter. This will prevent the litter from sticking.

185. Prevent dental problems. When you feed your dog or cat coconut oil, the antimicrobial effects can go beyond curing bad breath. They can also help to prevent gum disease and cavities.

186. Soothe cracked paw pads. Are your dog or cat's paw pads cracked from winter dryness or summer heat? Applying some coconut oil can help to moisturize, soothe and heal cracked paw pads.

187. Boost joint health. Many dog owners have observed improvements in joint health in dogs they feed coconut oil. You will get the best results with daily dosages.

188. Clean out your dog's ears. This is one of the most popular uses for coconut oil for pets. Get gunk out of your dog's ears quickly, safely and easily using coconut oil soaked into a cotton swab. This can help to prevent infection too.

189. Boost metabolism. If your cat or dog has a slow metabolism, add coconut oil to your pet's diet. Over time, this can speed up metabolism, which is great for general health.

190. Help your obese pet lose weight. If your pet has packed on a few extra pounds, coconut oil can help with weight loss. Combine this treatment with more exercise and a healthy diet for the best results.

191. Remove mites from your reptile. Mites can be a really persistent problem if you own a reptile. Add a coating of coconut oil to your reptile's scales and leave it for a few hours or even overnight if your pet is not uncomfortable. The coconut oil will suffocate the mites. Wash it off the next day. You should see dead mites coming right off. Keep doing this routine until there are no more dead mites.

192. Moisturize a guinea pig's skin. Guinea pigs can easily suffer from dry, irritated skin. It is easy to soothe and moisturize a guinea pig's skin using a teaspoon of coconut oil mixed into guinea pig shampoo. Alternately, you can just apply a little bit of it directly.

193. Improve a rabbit's fur. If you own a rabbit, you can also condition its fur using coconut oil. You only need a tiny bit; it goes a long ways, and it is easy to overdo it. Just apply a pinch every few days.

194. Keep squirrels away from your birdfeeders. Trying to discourage squirrels from stealing all your birdseed? If your birdfeeder hangs from a pole, you can coat the pole in coconut oil to make it slippery. This will make it hard for squirrels to run along the pole.

195. Heal bug bites. If your pet is suffering from itchy bug bites, you can soothe the bites and speed up healing using a little coconut oil applied directly to the bite sites.

196. Treat intestinal parasites. The healing properties of coconut oil may help your pet to recover from an intestinal parasite. Do not forget that you should always take your pet to the vet to make sure you get the medications you need for your animal. Coconut oil may help in conjunction with your vet's recommended treatments.

197. Use as an udder balm. Own cows or goats? If you have animals you need to milk, you can use coconut oil as a soothing udder balm.

198. Treat hot spots. Hot spots are a common skin problem affecting dogs. You can treat these moist, reddened areas using coconut oil. You may also be able to prevent hot spots since you can use coconut oil to treat the wounds and bites that sometimes develop into them.

199. Prevent or control diabetes. Previously we talked about coconut oil as an aid for controlling blood sugar levels in humans. You can also use coconut oil to stabilize your pet's blood sugar levels and prevent or treat diabetes.

200. Regulate hormones. Coconut oil can help to promote healthy thyroid function in your pets. Your pet's thyroid is responsible for regulating hormone production. A healthy thyroid means a healthy pet.

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There you have it! You now know 200 ways you can use coconut oil around the household. Coconut oil is a truly amazing substance that is great for your health and also for pets and infants. It is wonderful for cooking and cleaning, and there are probably more applications just waiting to be discovered. What are your favorite ways to use coconut oil? Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments below so we can add your coconut oil secrets to the list!

1 comment:

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