Use Alarm System Decals – Even If You Don't Have An Alarm
You can buy fake alarm system decals that will deter would-be burglars. eBay sells them or you can pick them up in yard sales and other places. Although you will know that you don't really have an alarm system in your home, burglars will certainly think twice about trying to enter when they see the decals that say your home is protected.
Via: eBay
Keep Your Landscaping Neat
Criminals love places to hide so if you have untrimmed bushes near your windows, this is virtually like inviting them to enter your home. If you are going to be away from home for some time, it is particularly important that you keep your lawn mowed and bushes trimmed to give the impression that you are still at home.
Via: Bhg
Get a Dog
You don't actually have to get a dog, but studies have shown that barking dogs deter burglars. If you don't have a dog and don't really want one, there are alarm systems that sound like barking dogs when they are triggered. Would-be burglars will worry about confronting your canine friends and will be gone before they can do any damage.
Via: Amazon
Keep Your Mail Picked Up
If you are planning to be gone on vacation, ask a neighbor to pick up your mail every day while you are away. You could also ask the post office to hold your mail and cancel newspaper subscriptions until you return. A mailbox filled with uncollected mail is the first indication to a burglar that no one is at home.
Via: flickr
Keep Electronics Boxes Out of Sight
Leaving boxes from major electronics on the curb or on your porch lets criminals know that you have these things in your house. Security experts recommend you tear down the boxes or haul them to the dump right away. If needed, you can just cut them up into smaller pieces and hide them in your trash can.
Via: Lifehacker
Buy Light Timers
Keeping your indoor and outdoor lights on timers is an excellent way to give burglars the impression that you are at home, even when you are not. Timers are inexpensive and will turn on your lights at a certain time every evening. This is also a good idea for when you arrive home late at night. You won't have to worry with forgetting to turn on lights when the timer does it for you.
Via: Amazon
Don't Broadcast Your Plans
If you are going to be on vacation, you shouldn't really broadcast the fact that you will be away. While you may want to hit Facebook and alert all of your friends that you are heading to Maui, it is best to wait until you return home and then let them know what a good time you had. A broadcast that you are going to be away from home could fall into the wrong hands.
Via: Mycodetrip
Install Dummy Surveillance Cameras
You don't need to purchase expensive surveillance cameras. You can actually trick burglars by installing cameras that seem like they are watching your home, even if they really aren't. There are some great ways that you can install webcams and turn those cameras into security cameras that allow you to keep an eye on your home no matter where you are.
Via: Lifehacker
Bar Doors and Windows
Sliding doors and windows give burglars good opportunities to enter your home. By simply placing wooden dowels or metal bars on these areas, you can secure them so that burglars can't open them. You just cut the dowels so that they fit into the tracks whenever the doors and windows are closed.
Via: Realestate
Leave Tracks in the Snow
If you are going to be gone during winter, burglars will actually look for tracks around your home in the snow. Have a neighbor come to your house and track up your yard so that it looks as if you are home. Untouched snow is a certain indicator to burglars that you are gone, particularly if it remains untouched for a couple of days.
Via: Flickr
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