Monday, April 17, 2017

Want a Cozy Home? These 25 DIY Projects will bring the Charm You Need

Pallet Coffee Table

Pallet Coffee Table
Anything that you make from reclaimed wood will always look charismatic and charming because of all the imperfections and character that you can physically see in the wood. This is exactly why I always prefer homemade (or at least handmade) over buying things brand new.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheMerryThought

Twinkling Room Dividers

Twinkling Room Dividers
In my opinion, there is nothing cozier than bringing the outdoors indoors, so this branch room divider is right up my alley. The branches look gorgeous and the twinkling lights make it look simply magical! I wouldn't mind staring at these all evening.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Instructables

Chair Covers

Chair Covers
If your dining room chairs are looking a little worse for wear, you can simply cozy them up yourself instead of going out to buy a whole new set. A soft pillow on each chair and a faux fur chair cover really amps up the comfort. Of course, if fur isn't for you, you can certainly try a different material.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ABeautifulMess

Doily Bowls

Doily Bowls
I know that some of you are going to think that these bowls are a little too 'grandma's house' while others will agree with me that they're absolutely adorable. You can plop these bowls down anywhere that you need to keep little things safe, like jewelry, makeup, keys or spare change.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ApartmentTherapy

Chalkboard Fridge

Chalkboard Fridge
I've been obsessed with chalkboard paint for quite a while now, so I honestly can't wait to do this to my fridge! The fridge usually becomes the place where little notes, photos, pictures and magnets get propped up, so why not cover the thing in chalkboard so that you can write and draw whatever you want?

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – ErinLauray

Natural Air Freshener

Natural Air Freshener
Make your home smell inviting and welcoming with these fantastically fragrant all natural room scents. Jars are filled with water infused with fruit, spices and herbs so that they give off a very natural, fresh and comforting aroma.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – TheYummyLife

DIY Shag Rug

DIY Shag Rug
When it comes to rugs, I don't think anyone can argue that shag rugs are the coziest of them all. But hey're also super expensive. Thankfully, here's a great tutorial where you can make your own! This would be great laid out in front of the fire, or even in a kid's room where it can act as a comfy play area.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – MyLoveOfStyle

Sweater Lampshade

Sweater Lampshade
Is your lampshade looking a bit cold and dull? Well here's a brilliant makeover I'd never think of myself: wrap an old knitted sweater around it! You'll be surprised at just what a difference it makes to the room – instant warmth and charm.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – UnskinnyBoppy

Sweater Pillows

Sweater Pillows

If you still have lots of sweater material left after making your lampshade, then make yourself some sweater pillows to match. These are exactly the type of pillows you want to snuggle up to on a chilly night while watching a good movie.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Tidbits

Crochet Pillow

Crochet Pillow
Speaking of pillows, how cute is this crochet heart pillow? I don't think anyone can argue that a good dose of love is exactly what you need to make your home feel cozy not only for yourself but for all your guests, too.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – MonMakingThings

Fabric Frames

Fabric Frames
I think that personal photos instantly cozy up a room; maybe it's the thought of a house full of happy memories that gives you that sense of comfort. Instead of regular frames, though, give the plain ones some new life simply by wrapping them in fabric. There are lots of interesting ways to display your photos.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Momtastic

Canopy Bed

Canopy Bed
So you have the softest pillow and the warmest duvet or blanket… what else can you do to make your bed even better? How about a canopy? You'll feel like the coziest and most well-rested Queen around! Canopies are actually really easy to make yourself, just have a look though this wonderful collection and take your pick.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – DIYnCrafts

Teacup Candles

Teacup Candles
These are so adorable and so easy to make. It's also such a clever way to display gorgeous, vintage teacups that you can find in a thrift shop, or that set that you've had tucked away in the cabinet for years. Don't they just look delightfully elegant?

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – HeyGorgeous

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