Saturday, April 22, 2017

55 Joyful Craft Ideas to Keep Kids Entertained This Summer

Homemade Bubbles

This is a great project when you need something in a pinch and chances are that you already have everything you need in the kitchen cabinet. You need water, glycerin or karo syrup and dishwashing liquid and you can create your own great bubble solution that kids will enjoy playing with. For colored bubbles, you just mix a bit of food coloring with soap powder and water. Oh, the fun that kids can have making their own bubbles and this is a project that won't cost you anything if you already have the supplies. The best part is the bubbles are safe so they're great even for little ones.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Babyparenting

Homemade Bubbles

Painted Rock Crafts

Kids love paint and most younger ones really like rocks so this is the perfect summer project. It combines both rocks and painting to give kids something that will keep them busy and help them to create a wonderful craft that you can proudly display. You just need a collection of rocks and some paints to create any number of little rock critters. Once finished, you can display their painted rocks in a number of ways from putting them in their own little jar to using them to create artwork that can be hung on the walls.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Marthastewart

Painted Rock Crafts

DIY Party Poppers

Whether you are planning a summer party or you just want a craft that your kids are really going to enjoy making, these party poppers are perfect. They will be great for Fourth of July cookouts and fireworks so have the kids make a few for those. In the meantime, they can practice by making some just for fun. You need empty toilet paper rolls, cracker snaps which you can buy for about $4 for 25, tissue paper for the outside, cardstock and ribbon for decorating and goodies to place inside. Kids will have as much fun making these as they do popping them open for the goodies inside.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Littlebirdiesecrets

DIY Party Poppers

Bottle Cap Bugs

Turn those useless bottle caps into a summer project that will keep your kids happy and busy for hours. These bottle cap bugs are really cute, easy to make and can be used to decorate your garden or indoor plants. You need a few plastic bottle caps, some plastic spoons, glue dots, markers, plastic for the wings – you can use recycled milk jugs for this – and some decorating supplies for the wings. They can turn those old bottle caps into any bugs that they want and then proudly display their little creatures wherever they want.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Pagingfunmums

Bottle Cap Bugs

Embellished Sunglasses

Some cheap sunglasses that you can pick up at the Dollar Store for a buck and a few craft supplies will keep little ones busy for a while and give them a great pair of sunglasses for wearing on vacation, to the pool or just around the house. Just use mod podge or a glue stick to add glitter, feathers or any other type of craft embellishment to those ordinary sunglasses and kids will love wearing them. This is a great craft that serves a dual purpose. You get something that the kids will think is fun and when they wear their glasses they will block harmful sunlight from getting into their eyes.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Rufflesandstuff

Embellished Sunglasses

Homemade Hawaiian Leis

If you are planning on vacationing in Hawaii, or if you just really wish you were, you can help the kids to make these wonderful Hawaiian leis. These would be great for pool parties or any summer get together, even if you aren't heading to the islands for your vacation. You need a few sheets of thick cardstock in whatever colors you want, a large flower punch, straws and some yarn or string for hanging the flowers. You could buy plain white cardstock and let the kids color it whatever color they want or paint it – just be sure to allow the paint to dry before assembling the lei.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Thecraftingchicks

Homemade Hawaiian Leis

Newspaper Forts

On those rainy days (or really hot ones) when you just can't get outside to play, help your little ones to create a wonderful newspaper fort inside. You can recycle those old newspapers and build a great indoor fort at the same time. You just roll two sheets of newspaper into a tight roll (do this multiple times) to create the structure. Keep in mind that the tighter the roll, the more support you will have. When you are finished with your structure, just cover with a light blanket or a sheet. Kids will have a blast playing in their fort and it's just as easy to take down as it is to build.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Modernparentsmessykids

Newspaper Forts

Yarn Letters

Even toddlers can help to create these wonderfully colorful yarn letters that you can actually use for home décor when they are finished. The basis for the project is to wrap yarn around pipe cleaners, although you could use other items if you don't have any pipe cleaners on hand. Grab those old skeins of yarn and get ready for a fun project that the kids will love. They can create enough letters to spell out their names on their bedroom walls or you could do any number of other projects with these when they are finished.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Bkids

Yarn Letters

Seashell Gardens

If you have a few old seashells on hand, kids can create beautiful seashell gardens with those shells and a few succulents. This is a relatively quick and easy project depending on the number of seashell planters you want to create. Kids just have to remove the succulents from their containers and transplant them into conch shells or other seashells large enough to hold them. This is a project that may take a bit of planning if you don't have the supplies on hand but it's one that they can enjoy all summer long while they watch their little gardens grow.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Urbanorganica

Seashell Gardens

Lego Key Holder

Kids will adore making key holders in their favorite characters and all you need for this is a few old Legos and a key ring, which you can probably find in the kitchen junk drawer. Just let them create whatever character they want and attach the key ring with a small Lego that has a hole. If you don't have this particular Lego, you can drill a tiny hole in a regular Lego – note that this is a step for parents, not little ones. They can make key rings to hold their own keys or make them as gifts for grandparents.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Minieco

Lego Key Holder

Handprint Stepping Stones

This is a project that parents will want to do with their children and you can do handprints, footprints or both. Imagine having stepping stones in your garden that capture the hand and foot sizes of your children when they are small. These are really easy to make and kids are going to love getting "dirty" with the concrete, which washes off easily by the way. Take a pencil or a stick and jot their names in before the concrete dries and the date or you can let them decorate the stones however they want.

DIY Instructions and Project Credit – Make-baby-stuff

Handprint Stepping Stones

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