Sunday, April 23, 2017

This Italian Baked Eggs Recipe Will Make Your Mouth Water

This Italian Baked Eggs Recipe Will Make Your Mouth Water
One of my favorite foods in the world is eggs … you can do so much with them. Obviously they are a breakfast classic, but I eat them a lot for dinner as well. They are healthy, delicious, and so versatile.

That is why I am always hunting down tips and recipes. Being able to freeze eggs makes it possible to buy them in bulk (learn how to do it here). Usually I just stick with simple scrambled or fried eggs (or sometimes scramboiled eggs—read about those in this post). But now and again I get an itch to make something a little fancier.

I was thrilled when I found a really scrumptious recipe to make Italian baked eggs! I had never tried anything like this before, but this video on YouTube walked me through it:

The steps are fairly simple:

Start by making marinara:

1. Cook up some chopped garlic in a frying pan
2. Add some chili flakes
3. Add crushed tomatoes
4. Add thyme or oregano (if desired)
5. Cook it to a simmer
6. Add a little salt and pepper—and a pinch of sugar for balance
7. Set it aside and let it cool down for a few minutes

Now make the baked egg dish:

8. Spoon some marinara into an oven-safe bowl.
9. Make a little space in the middle and crack an egg in.
10. Shred a little cheese on top.
11. Cook at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 12-15 minutes.

To grab the full recipe for this yummy meal visit Gemma’s blog here.

Who would have guessed you could bake eggs like this? They integrate really well with the rest of the ingredients and they come out delicious!

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