Sunday, April 30, 2017

How to Make the Easiest and Cutest Easter Table Decoration Ever

Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays for crafts. I love springtime—the warm air, the baby birds, the fresh starts, the new beginnings. So each year I vow to try a new craft for Easter.

How to Make the Easiest and Cutest Easter Table Decoration Ever
In previous years, I have shared a lot of crafts for coloring eggs—like using silk squares, or this huge list with 80 creative and fun ideas. This year though I want to share an idea for how to present your eggs as part of your table décor! Check out this exclusive video to learn how to make a delicate Easter flower out of a paper napkin in which you can place a decorated Easter egg:

Video Instructions:

Here are the steps for this cute and easy Easter origami craft!

1. Start out with a square of paper. Fold it horizontally in both directions so that it looks like this:

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

2. Next, fold in all four of the corners.

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

3. Then fold in all four corners again.

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

4. Now, fold in all four corners a third time. Then turn the paper over.

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

5. Guess what you are going to do now? That's right, fold in all four corners a fourth time.

6. The next step involves pulling the corners out to form "petals." This step is pretty difficult to describe in text, so you will have to check it out in the video to see how to do it (watch at 0:27). This is what you'll end up with:

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

7. Next, you need to reach underneath to pull out four additional petals, which will result in this beautiful shape:

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

8. The last step is super easy! Set the flower on a plate, and then add a decorated Easter egg to the middle, like this adorable bunny!

Image steps to create the Easter flower decoration:

And that is all there is to it! The finished result looks very fancy, but the steps involved are not all that difficult, even if you are new to origami. Have fun with this project, and enjoy your beautiful Easter table settings—your guests sure will!

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