Monday, April 24, 2017

These 50 Genius Life Hacks Solve So Many Common Problems

These 50 Genius Life Hacks Solve So Many Common Problems {Video}
One of the best things about the internet is the fact that we can all share our cool little tips and tricks for making everyday life easier. There are so many daily chores which I always just assumed had to be a pain, until I started discovering life hacks like these and these.

Now I have discovered a seriously awesome YouTube video which contains a total of 50 genius life hacks. Check it out:

I seriously am in love with some of these ideas. Let me just give you a few examples:

Want a pre-sliced apple, but don't want it to go brown? Go ahead and slice it, holding it together, and then just stick a rubber band around it to hold all the pieces in place. This can work much better than a plastic bag.

Need an impromptu stand for your cell phone? Just use your sunglasses.

Can't figure out if the car behind you is following you? Turn four corners in a full circle and see if they are still there.

Can't find the earring you just dropped on the carpet? Put a stocking over a vacuum hose and turn it on. Vacuum the floor, and the earring should get caught on the stocking where you can easily grab it.

Want to discover more lifehacks just head over our Top 200 Lifehacks and Clever Ideas post or check out our lifehacks category.

If for whatever reason you cannot watch video (or just prefer not to), go ahead and click through anyway. JamesDIY is an awesome YouTuber who types out everything from his videos in his descriptions. This also makes for a handy reference after you watch the video! Enjoy!

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