Saturday, April 22, 2017

30 Simple Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

30 Simple Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier {Video}
If you follow the blog closely here on our site, you know what fans we are of life hacks! We have posted on everything from match hacks to straw hacks. So anytime that I stumble across another great life hack video where I learn something cool, I just have to share it with you.


This video contains 30 simple yet brilliant life hacks which can make your life a lot easier. Some of these you probably know, but a lot of them will probably be new to you. Several of these are really quite surprising.

One of my favorite hacks in the video is about three minutes in. Fill a bottle with water a quarter of the way and set it sideways in the freezer. The next day, fill it up the rest of the way. You end up with convenient ice water, and you don't have to wait for the ice to melt to drink it. Another cool one is the trick around two minutes in for hanging your cookbook in the kitchen when you run out of counter space but still need to keep your recipe handy. Around four minutes into the video is another awesome hack which helped me learn how to use my phone's calculator the right way!

Want to MASTER more easy lifehacks? Check out these posts:

I am pretty sure I will probably be using half a dozen of these life hacks just in the next week, if not the next few days. Watch the video and have fun using these surprising tips and tricks to simplify your life! Video by TheRichest.

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