Saturday, April 29, 2017

25 Creative Ways To Reuse and Repurpose Old Flannel Shirts

1. DIY Flannel Chunky Cuff Bracelets

DIY Flannel Chunky Cuff Bracelets
I have to admit, I am a huge fan of bracelets – all bracelets, which is why I really love these cuff bracelets covered in flannel. These would be the perfect accessory for a denim shirt or just about anything else you want to wear. To make them, you just cover a chunky wooden or plastic bracelet with flannel. Glue the flannel in place with fabric glue or a hot glue gun. These would also make wonderful gifts for anyone you know who adores flannel.

Tutorial: hgtv

2. Flannel Cup Cozies

Flannel Cup Cozies
While you're using up the body of that old flannel shirt for other projects, use the cuffs for these adorable cup cozies. Just cut the cuffs off, hem them up a bit if you want, and fit them over your cups. These are also great gifts and the buttons make such wonderful looking embellishments. FYI, the cuffs of most flannel shirts will fit perfectly over paper coffee cups or those cute little plastic ones that you can get at the Dollar Store.

Tutorial: thriftdee

3. DIY Flannel Dog Coat

DIY Flannel Dog Coat
Your little dog will love the warmth of this easy to sew coat that you make from an old flannel shirt. I love the collar and pocket, but the pattern allows you to not use those if you prefer it that way. It would make it a bit easier to sew but then again, I just can't get over how adorable this little doggie coat is with the pocket! You can probably adjust the pattern for sizes if needed and if you really want to get creative, toggle it enough to make a coat for your large dog.

Tutorial: bevykona

4. Easy Flannel Napkin Rings

Easy Flannel Napkin Rings
If you're going to upcycle, what better way than to make these gorgeous napkin rings? I love flannel in general and never would have thought to add it to the dinner table. For two rings, you need an empty toilet paper roll, your old flannel shirt and some sisal rope. These inexpensive rings look amazing and would be the perfect way to dress up your fall dinner table.

Tutorial: youbrewmytea

5. Flannel Napkins

Flannel Napkins
If you're a fan of cloth napkins, these flannel napkins are really going to make you smile. They're uber soft and so very easy to make. Put that old flannel shirt to really good use when you make these napkins. There's a bit of sewing required for these but you could forgo that and just use fabric glue if you prefer. These are really nice napkins and would look great adorning that fall dinner table.

Tutorial: heywandererblog

6. DIY Hand Warmers

DIY Hand Warmers
You can make so many of these reusable hand warmers with just one flannel shirt! If your hands tend to get really cold during the winter or you work outside a lot in the colder months, these hand warmers are the perfect craft project. They're all really soft since they're made of flannel and the flannel helps to keep them warmer longer. You know you want a few of these in your pockets this winter!

Tutorial: sadieseasongoods

7. Gorgeous DIY Flannel Headband

Gorgeous DIY Flannel Headband
This flannel headband is perfect for wearing with denim or other flannel. You just cut a strip from that old flannel shirt and sew. It's such an easy headband that you can complete in no time, and you could have one in a variety of colors if you have more than one flannel shirt to reuse. Since you only need a piece, you can still make other projects from the remainder of the shirt.

Tutorial: theminiaturemoose

8. Rustic Country Holiday Wreath

Rustic Country Holiday Wreath
To get the great pattern in this holiday wreath, you'll want more than one old flannel shirt. But, you don't use the entire shirt so save the rest for other projects. This is almost too easy. Just take a wreath form, one of those thick straw ones, and then layer your flannel. Cut strips of each shirt and wrap them around the wreath, creating whatever design you want. You could use just one shirt and make it all one color, but I think the multiple designs are just gorgeous.

Tutorial: sadieseasongoods

9. Easy iPad Cover

Easy iPad Cover
This adorable flannel iPad case is on Etsy, but I think it would be really easy to make yourself. Just cut your flannel in the right size and sew. There are so many tutorials for making iPad and iPhone covers. Use one of those and instead of buying fabric, just use the fabric from your flannel shirt. The soft material will help to protect your iPad and it's quite the fashion statement.

Tutorial: etsy

10. Repurposed Flannel Shirt Knapsack

Repurposed Flannel Shirt Knapsack
This knapsack is great for carrying books to school or for any number of other uses, and you can easily make it yourself. There are a lot of steps but each one only takes a few minutes. The overall project is really easy from start to finish and you'll end up with this really neat bag. It's even got a great drawstring, which is really easy to put in.

Tutorial: kinassauerstyle

11. Reversible Fleece And Flannel Mittens

Reversible Fleece And Flannel Mittens
How about some really warm mittens? When I say warm, I mean really warm. These mittens have flannel on one side and fleece on the other. They're totally reversible and each side is soft and warm! You can easily fit each of your kids with warm mittens by just tracing around their hands for your pattern. If you don't want the fleece, you could do flannel on both sides but then again, you could always just turn the fleece inside and let the flannel show.

Tutorial: ikatbag

12. Easy DIY Flannel Pet Bed

Easy DIY Flannel Pet Bed
This pet bed says for cats but little dogs will love it just as much. Plus, you could make it larger or smaller as needed. It's made from an old flannel shirt and a t-shirt. Your pet is going to adore you for this! There's a bit of sewing required but you end up with a bed that would easily rival those $50 pet beds you'll see at Walmart and you get to give your furry friend a warm and cozy place to sleep.

Tutorial: fresheggsdaily

13. No Sew Flannel Pillow Covers

No Sew Flannel Pillow Covers
Dress up your porch for fall with these wonderful no sew flannel pillow covers. Did I mention that there's no sewing involved? I love an easy project and love it even more when I don't have to get out the sewing machine to complete it. These pillow covers are quite possibly the easiest thing you will make all year, and they are so adorable. Personally, I would leave the pockets showing to give them a bit more rustic looking appeal, but you can use the other side of the shirt as well.

Tutorial: houseofhawthornes

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