Sunday, April 23, 2017

7 Brilliant Uses for Single Socks and Why You Should Never Throw Them Away

7 Brilliant Uses for Single Socks and Why You Should Never Throw Them Away
Laundry means clean clothes … and lost socks. I can pretty much guarantee it. With literally any load of laundry I do, I will lose at least one sock. If I am lucky, I find it later. Usually I do. But over the course of any given year, I seem to accumulate around half a dozen single socks without a match.

Usually I just toss these socks after a while, but it seems like such a waste! I mean, single socks have to have some kind of use, right?

I do know a bit about making DIY sock toys, like these 25 adorable patterns, or this one, perfect for the holiday season. But I don't always have time to do something major with my single socks.

But I just found this video which has lots of great ideas for using single socks—and many of them are super easy. They are also extremely practical, and will help you out with your everyday life.

I especially love the idea for using single socks to help you with moisturizing your hands and feet during winter. It is super cold and dry where I live right now, so that tip showed up in my life right when I needed it. The whiteboard cleaning trick is pretty awesome as well (and as you will discover, socks are awesome for cleaning a lot of other surfaces as well). I hope you find this video as useful as I did. Now you never have to toss a single sock again!

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