Friday, April 28, 2017

60 Gorgeous DIY Tote Bags With Free Patterns For Every Occasion

1. One Yard – One Hour Tote

One Yard – One Hour Tote
This is a gorgeous tote bag and the material that they've used gives it such a wonderful beach vacation look. You can have this completely finished in about an hour and it only takes one yard of fabric – hence the name. Lighter fabric is probably better and really makes it perfect for summer. The bag is 16 inches deep and 19 inches wide when it's finished – a pretty good sized tote bag for just an hour of work.

Instructions and Pattern: lazygirldesigns

2. Easy Twenty Minute Tote Bag

Easy Twenty Minute Tote Bag
How about a lovely tote bag that you can make in less than half an hour, and one that only takes half a yard of fabric? This lovely bag is so easy to make that even beginning sewers can do it, and it takes so little fabric that you could make several and give them as gifts. You'll need a couple of yards of webbing and of course, thread to match your material – or contrast it, whatever you prefer.

Instructions and Pattern: purlsoho

3. Basic Booty Bag

Basic Booty Bag
This booty bag is made from old jeans! Or whatever pants you have in mind; the point is, it's a repurposing project that gives you an amazing tote bag when you're finished. The bag is just a basic bag, so there's no lining. I love the idea of having one of these in denim and maybe even sweat pant material. Keep in mind that recommended pant sizes for the bag are junior or misses sizes up to six. Larger sizes will give you a larger bag.

Instructions and Pattern: thelongestyear

4. DIY Mini Book Tote

DIY Mini Book Tote
I love books so this little mini book tote really caught my eye. This one really doesn't take much in the way of supplies. You will need two fat quarters – one of the inside and one for the outside – and some fusible fleece interfacing. Keep in mind that if you choose a directional fabric, you will need to use more than one fat quarter per side. You'll see why in the instructions – Overall, this is an adorable little book bag that won't take you long at all to complete.

Instructions and Pattern: crazylittleprojects

5. Braided Handle Tote Bag

Braided Handle Tote Bag
This braided handle bag is such a wonderful bag for spring. It is lightweight and you really get a sea captain vibe from the handle. I think it would be gorgeous in navy blue and white, but you use whatever colors you want. It even has a little pocket inside for storing smaller items. It's also a relatively easy bag to make and doesn't take many supplies, so you can do several in different colors so that you'll have a spring bag for every occasion.

Instructions and Pattern: purlsoho

6. Easy Leather Bucket Bag

Easy Leather Bucket Bag
Yes, you can make your own leather bucket bag and it will look like you bought it at one of those high end department stores. Honestly, this is a much easier bag to make than it looks, and you are going to love showing it off and letting people know that you made it yourself. You should ensure that you sew really slowly when working with leather, so that your stitches stay straight. It can be a bit difficult to work with for the first time, but you'll quickly get the hang of it.

Instructions and Pattern: brit

7. DIY Rustic Patchwork Tote

DIY Rustic Patchwork Tote
You are going to love this patchwork tote bag. It has that wonderful rustic look and it's really easy to piece together. There's a cute little ruffle toward the bottom and a big button holds it closed. This is so reminiscent of bags that my grandmother used to carry. I love the colors and the quilted look to it. It's a great bag for those of you who love he Vera Wang bag collection. Plus, it's really easy and won't take you long at all to finish.

Instructions and Pattern: mypatchwork

8. Compact Tote Bag With Surprise

Compact Tote Bag With Surprise
This tiny little tote bag is cute in itself – but the real surprise is that it holds a full sized tote bag inside. This is perfect for taking shopping! You can carry the small bag and then flip it out and use the larger bag to hold your purchases. I love the design of the tiny bag and would use it for smaller items. The fact that it houses a larger tote bag is just icing on the cake!

Instructions and Pattern: sudarushka

9. Easy Denim Tote

Easy Denim Tote
Here's another great denim upcycled tote bag, but this one is a bit different. It looks like a huge traditional tote bag and will hold all sorts of items. The handle is long enough to carry on your shoulder and the lightweight bag won't drag you down. Plus, you only need the legs of your old jeans to make it – you can totally make this one and the booty bag using the same old pair of jeans!

Instructions and Pattern: craftingagreenworld

10. Impressive DIY Dish Towel Tote Bag

Impressive DIY Dish Towel Tote Bag
This is probably the most impressive tote bag I've seen in a while. You make it with dish towels. You only need two standard sized dish towels per bag, so there's not a lot of material needed. You can easily find dish towels on sale at the Dollar Store for a dollar each. Just imagine the number of bags you could make! I love the simplicity of this pattern and it's a great project to share with little ones.

Instructions and Pattern: annamariahorner

11. Dish Towel Library Tote

Dish Towel Library Tote
This is another great bag that you can make from a dish towel, and it's perfect for letting little ones carry their library books. This one only requires one dish towel and of course, matching thread. I love this idea for letting the kids help with their tote and then using that tote to carry books that they check out from the library. You get to share a craft with them and encourage them to read at the same time!

Instructions and Pattern: ihavetosay

12. Easy Reversible DIY Tote Bag

Easy Reversible DIY Tote Bag
You know what's better than an easy DIY tote bag? This is such an easy DIY reversible bag to make, and you can have this one finished in just a couple of hours. I love reversible bags. You can choose what you carry based on how you feel or what you're wearing! I really love how easy this is to make and the possibilities are endless as to what you can create with it.

Instructions and Pattern: instructables

13. Beautiful DIY Doily Canvas

Beautiful DIY Doily Canvas
So for this one, you can buy a canvas bag that's already made – Hobby Lobby has them for just a couple dollars each. Or, you can make your own canvas bag and then use this gorgeous doily effect to decorate it. You use a paper doily and canvas paint to create the design – in whatever color you prefer. This is a wonderful way to dress up a boring old bag and make it fabulous.

Instructions and Pattern: ashleyannphotography

14. Dress Stitchery Tote

Dress Stitchery Tote
This dress stitchery method of making a tote bag leaves you with a gorgeous bag that is very reminiscent of old time dresses. I love the whole look of this bag and it's really easy – plus you get major bragging rights when it's finished. It has a great embroidered dress design in the center that is also really easy to make. Little girls – and big girls, too – are going to absolutely love this elegant and old-timey tote.

Instructions and Pattern: amelieandatticus

15. Easy French Seam Bag

Easy French Seam Bag
This bag is really easy to make and gives you a sturdy yet lightweight tote that is perfect for holding your knitting or crocheting, or even taking along to the farmer's market to pick up some fresh produce. The construction is really simplistic. It's unlined and has french seams that give it a great neat look with no seams showing. For a smaller bag, you will only need about half a yard of material.

Instructions and Pattern: needleandspatula

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