Monday, April 24, 2017

How to Give Your Dresser a DIY Makeover for a Fresh Look

How to Give Your Dresser a DIY Makeover for a Fresh Look
Do you ever get that urge to give your house a total makeover? I do, but the reality is that I love most of what I own. I have always been very choosy when purchasing furniture, and as a result I have a few items of furniture that I would never part with, but I so wish that they had a fresher look which fits better with my personality now.

In the past, I have done a couple of projects to customize store-bought furniture. I also have practiced refinishing wood furniture; learn how to do that here.

So when it came to the tired old dresser in my bedroom which I love, I got to wondering whether I couldn't perhaps simply customize it into a new look that I enjoy.

I watched a number of videos on YouTube, but here is the one I fell in love with:

While the original wood finish on this dresser looked great, I just swooned when I saw the white with that pale minty green. Those two colors are lovely together and have a beautiful old-fashioned charm to them, like something out of the Victorian era. I went out and bought those exact same paint colors (or as close as I could manage), and am going to start on my own dresser this weekend. I can't wait to complete the project. My beloved old dresser can enjoy some new life, and it will finally fit in with my newer décor! Check out the step by step photo instructions here.

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