Sunday, April 23, 2017

How to Make DIY Paper Dahlias For Undying Beauty

How to Make DIY Paper Dahlias For Undying Beauty {Video tutorial}

My youngest sister is planning her wedding, and she was looking for ideas for cheap decorations she could make herself which would still look incredible. After thinking for a while, we decided that paper crafts would be the best way to go. I had recently make some paper snowflakes for the holidays, and that got us thinking.

I then remembered some paper flowers we posted on the site earlier this year. She liked the idea, but was looking for a different style, and that brought us around to discovering paper dahlias!

These paper dahlias are so stunning and dramatic—like floral paper sunbursts. They fill any room with light and color. The tutorial above is fabulous, but we also learned a lot watching the video below. Sometimes you need to see something presented in a couple of different ways to really understand how to do it:

Even though these flowers look fancy, they are actually incredibly simple to make, consisting of a lot of rolled up cones of paper. If you can make a lot of cones, you can create a paper dahlia. Videos by Guidecentral and HGTV Handmade.

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