Thursday, April 27, 2017

20 Brilliantly Creative Ways To Incorporate Old Furniture Into Your Garden Design

1. Bathtub Planter

Bathtub Planter
I really love the idea of turning an old bathtub into a planter. This would be great for displaying those gorgeous sunflowers, and the tub doesn't even have to be in great shape. Even if there are holes, you are going to be able to turn it into a planter that beautifully displays whatever plants you want to house in there. I think trailing plants would also be great – or mix and match to create your own little mini flower bed right there in the tub.

Via: gardenbetty

2. Broken Chair Succulent Planter

Broken Chair Succulent Planter
I've had so many broken chairs in my lifetime that I've thrown away. I really wish I had thought to use them as planters. I really love the idea of making a little succulent garden from a seat less chair. You can stick the planter right down in the seat and this is a great way to bring dimension into your flower bed. Just sit the chair among your other flowers and it raises those succulents up off the ground so they become the focus of your flower bed.

3. Metal Bed Planter

Metal Bed Planter
This is such a great way to reuse an old bed and give you an interesting garden design at the same time. If you have an old metal bed that you just don't want to throw out, turn it into a vintage looking planter instead. Fill the bed with rather short flowers so that they don't draw attention away from the bed design. You could even do different colored flowers at the top to look like pillows.

4. Book Planters

Book Planters
Okay, so books aren't technically furniture – but bookshelves are. So, you take these great book planters to house your succulents and then place them on your old bookshelf. Maybe add some trailing plants to the top and sides to give it a good cover. Reading is my favorite pastime so this entire project is at the top of my to do list. What a great way to bring some culture into your flower bed, and it will be the perfect place to relax with a glass of sweet iced tea and a good book!

Via: apartmenttherapy

5. Desk Planter

Desk Planter
This desk planter is so creative and so gorgeous. You just paint your old desk whatever color you want – or leave it distressed if you prefer – and then use the drawers to hold your flowers. You could also add some old desk organizers, an old telephone or lamp, or anything else that looks like office supplies to it to give it a great outdoor office look. What a wonderful display for right outside your home office window! Add the chair and turn it into a planter as well.

Via: hgtv

6. Baby Grand Water Planter

Baby Grand Water Planter
I don't know if you actually have an old baby grand piano that you would want to turn into a planter, but how gorgeous is this? It's an old piano that has flowers and water features. I'm thinking you could incorporate the same design idea with an upright piano, and people sell those all the time for just a few dollars when they are no longer tuneable. Imagine how relaxing and beautiful your flower garden will be with a piano water garden right in the center!

7. Chair Hosta Planter

Chair Hosta Planter
Here's another great way to turn those broken chairs into garden decorations. Add hostas! Hostas are my all-time favorite plant. They are so versatile, so gorgeous, and so easy to grow. The foliage comes in so many different colors and designs that you could use several chairs for each type of hosta and have an entire collection of planters. Plus, what else are you going to do with a chair that doesn't have a seat?

8. Headboard Planter

Headboard Planter
This old wooden headboard looks wonderful as a new box planter. This is so easy to do – if you don't already have a box planter that you can add to the headboard, you can build one really quickly. I love the colors in this one, although you can do whatever colors match your exterior. I really love how easy this one is to build, and it's perfect for any type of flower or foliage plant you want.

Via: myrepurposedlife

9. Mirrored Dresser Succulent Planter

Mirrored Dresser Succulent Planter
First of all, I love the idea of using an old dresser for a succulent planter. Second, I absolutely adore the idea of leaving the mirror in the dresser. This is a great way to gain some depth and make your garden look larger – perfect if you have just a small space to work with. Also, the mirror reflects the plants and flowers so you get double the color from the blooms and foliage.

10. Small Dresser Planter

Small Dresser Planter
With a bright coat of paint, this old worn out dresser is instantly transformed into a lovely planter for flowers and other greenery. You could sit this right on the patio or add it to your flower bed to add dimension. Any time you raise your flowers off the ground, you are providing a focal point. What better focal point than this beautiful dresser turned planter? And, it's such an easy to do project that you'll be sipping tea and admiring your lovely blooms in about an hour.

Via: kellyelko

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