Sunday, April 23, 2017

How to Make Your Own Starbucks Drinks At Home

How to Make Your Own Starbucks Drinks At Home {Brilliant recipes}
I drink so much coffee … which is why I am glad I have discovered some awesome coffee hacks and even some uses for my extra coffee grounds in the garden. But in terms of the drinks I know how to make, I have to admit that I have always gone with the basic cup of joe. For the fancy stuff, I have just gone to Starbucks.

But I have a couple of issues with Starbucks. The first one (and this is the big one) is their prices. When I add up how much money I have spent at Starbucks over the course of a month, I am pretty horrified.

The other issue I have with Starbucks is … sugar. Their drinks are delicious, but for me they are sometimes way too sweet.

So I got to wondering if there is a way to make Starbucks drinks at home, and I found this!

This video teaches you how to make a Pumpkin Spice Latte, a Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, and a Peppermint Mocha. Those are three of my favorite drinks, so I was thrilled that these were the ones featured in the video!

I have tried making the Pumpkin Spice Latte, and color me impressed—it tastes very close to the real one you can get at Starbucks.

But it cost a lot less to make. And I was able to customize it. I increased a few ingredients and decreased others, so it isn't too sweet for me. I can't wait to try the other two recipes.

The end result? A latte that has that Starbucks flavor I love—but which actually is even tastier! This video is one of the best discoveries I have made in a while, so I hope you enjoy making these Starbucks drinks at home as much as I do!

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