Thursday, April 6, 2017

Gift Wrapping Hacks: Don’t Have Much Time? Try This!

Two Easy Gift Wrapping Hacks: Don't Have Much Time? Try This!
I'm all for knowing where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and one of my weaknesses, without a doubt, is wrapping presents. I absolutely hate it. Christmastime is the worst, of course, since there are just so many presents to wrap. I like to try get as many of them gift-wrapped at the store as I possibly can, but every now and then I get stuck and it all just turns into one big mess.

Now, if you're lucky enough to have a normal square or rectangular shaped gift, then this new speedy method is worth learning. Instead of using a whole roll of tape just to make it look smoothed out and pretty, all you need is two small pieces and about 15 seconds. I'd recommend slowing the video down a bit so that you can see exactly what's going on; after a little bit of practice it'll become a natural gift!

The next technique isn't so much about speed as it is about delicate beauty. You'll need to set aside about 10 minutes for this wrap. For me it would take a lot longer, but I know that you wrapping aficionados out there will be able to get this beautiful fanned look done without too much hassle.

Video by DM Youtuber.

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