Tuesday, May 9, 2017

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

I love furniture projects, whether we're talking about building something from the ground up or transforming an old table or desk. I share a lot of projects on the site which I think are quite cool—but once in a while I find something that really stands out because of its uniqueness and individuality.

My most recent find is an amazing table decorated with something surprising … old bottle caps! I love this table because it showcases the collector's hobby and personality in an unusual and surprising way. Check out the post to see his amazing craftsmanship!

Lately my fixation has been on table projects, like this decoupage project or this incredible mandala table. But now I have something new I want to try, inspired by a talented man on Imgur named Vincent Kompanini.

Vincent collects bottle caps. He has a ton of them, and figured out a really cool way to display his collection—he turned it into a table!

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

Here's how he did it.

1. Buy a standard table (Vincent bought his from IKEA).

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

2. Cut square dowel and glue it around the table's edges so you have something to contain the bottle caps and resin finish.

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

3. Do anything you need to in order to improve the overall appearance of the table. Vincent needed to use wood filler in a gap by the chamfered edge of his table, after which he did some sanding. He then filed down the corners of the lip.

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

4. Paint the table in a color of your choice.

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

5. Glue the bottle caps to the table top.

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

6. Mix and pour a resin finish to seal in the bottle caps and provide a beautiful glossy finish.

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

How to Create a Colorful Table Using Old Bottle Caps { Perfect Man Cave Furniture }

This is some beautiful craftsmanship—my hat is off to you, Vincent. You've come up with an incredible way to display your collection. This idea with the resin to seal objects into a table surface is quite genius on its own too, and makes me think that the possibilities here go far beyond bottle caps. A determined DIYer could take this idea in a million directions—very cool!

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